Monthly Archives: April 2016

Child Abuse

Bob L.
April 18 2016

imagesI was asked if I believed what Some Doctors call child abuse because Parents are not teaching their kids the difference from right or wrong, well basically Gay and Non Gay, I think you get the picture.

I believe that the parents should not be held accountable for what Society, Television, Church’s and Children’s Programing today tell these kids, Parents today are having a hard enough time trying to keep from being brought up on abuse for every thing under the sun, some because that child is mad at their parents.

I do say that parents are about twenty percent (20%) responsible and no more, like I say, Society, Television, Church’s, Government, all areas are responsible.

A child who complains is usually mad at their parents, a Child who has to be asked what happen is usually the one who is being abused, because they are afraid of what will happen when their guardians find out they said some thing, and will be punished.

Look what happens when Government hears about abuse, they go in with guns Blazing, throwing their weight around and prosecute, but when a child is really being abused they do very little, look how many Children die each year because Government does very little to protect them, this is what you call a double standard, protect the lier and ignore truth.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Health, Local Governments, Millennials, Obama, People, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dumb Ass Jackasses

Bob L.
April 18th 2016

I can not believe how dumb people have gotten just to get their way, WHY, how many Rapist and pedophiles are going to say that they are now gay just so they can go into women’s bathroom and locker room, just because a group has a right to discrimination.

TIME IS COMING people, and you will regret it when it is too late.

In time things are going to come tumbling down but not at first, but down the road things are going to put Women and Children in harm’s way, what is the matter with people today, they all became brain-dead and could care less of what will happen.

You have people in Government today that are so afraid of insulting some one so they won’t get reelected, is that what is all about, working for the Government, they are passing laws that put people in harm’s way, they are not in there to protect the people.

Government tells people to stop smoking, but yet they pass a law that lets people smoke vips and marijuana and then go out and drive like drinking, already kids who won’t get it are into it, what is it going to take to get their heads out of their ass and look at what is coming, or are they just so uneducated that they are stupid and have no idea what they are doing.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Earth Tilting Thanks to Climate Change Or Nuclear Testing

Bob L.
April 13th 2016

imagesAs years have gone by, I can remember that they were saying back in the nineteen Fifties that earth was knocked off its Axis because of all the nuclear testing, now today they are using it as Global Warming, how soon people forget passed history, that is because today people have been brain washed to believe the Government is never wrong, and this shows just how dumb people have become.

In the end there will be winners, and losers, Winners the Rich, Losers the People, as usual, how else can it end.

Today people have become so lazy, they will not lift a hand to protect what they have, FREEDOM, if they keep letting the Government run wild, this will come to and end and you will never get it back, the problem is they are giving some more freedom than others, and what are you coming up with DISCRIMINATION to all. Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Freedom, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Pollution & Global Warming, Republicans, Rich, Stock Market, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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