Monthly Archives: July 2016

Government Educationed 2+2 = They Can’t add

Bob L.
July 12th 2016

Tacoma’s plastic bag ban and other CitiesĀ  logic is the same as, what is the answer to the question, what is 2+2, these people don’t know the answer, 2+2 = not what they think it means, they think that if you ban plastic bags, that will solve all the problems, well maybe for them it will, but not for the people, you see all you have to do is go to the store and buy garbage bags of all sizes, now you still have plastic bags going to the land fills and going into streams along our roads and streets, wow 2+2 comes up what, sure not FOUR (4), but they think it does.

You see if you ban plastic bags, = jobs, if you charge 5 cents a bag and they get the money, what does that do to the people, and what does that do to the business, that will and could mean higher prices to the people at these stores, because the stores have to buy the paper bags so the city could city or government could line their greedy pockets, and the stores receives nothing, Ooo yah, just a way to charge more at the cash register, government, stores win, people again lose to greed.

And when you add up the answer, you get what, greed for the greedy, and for the people, here again, the people get the answer four (4), the government and stores, greed, so who do you think the winner will be, the people who feed the greedy at every raise of a tax, and do these people have their hand in the stock market to want this law in effect.

If you are so head up about these bags, than ban them all, and while you are at it, fine way to put more people out of work, you are doing a good job of it now, dig harder, you should be able to find more ways to put people out of work, but don’t come winning when your money runs short like it did when you did on tobacco, now you can do it on your wacky tobacco.

If this such a big problem, come up with a biodegrade plastic bag, or is that to simple and hard to get through stupid educated peoples head, than just maybe we can keep people working, and putting more people back to work, but I don’t think that they really care what happen to any one but them selves.


Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Money, People, Republicans, Rich, Stock Market, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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