Election Time

Bob L.
July 13th 2018

Washington State Voters, It is time to tell Olympia, NO MORE BLANK CHECK for SEATTLE, if Seattle want better streets, pay for them their self, if they want a fancy transit system, tax Seattle riders not the state of Washington. is sound transit still giving free rides, if so WHY? You can not ride another transit for free.

If our Elected can not do the right thing, then VOTE or RECALL them out of office, then maybe they will listen to the Majority, not the Minority.

How about putting sound transit back on the ballot and see the people other than Seattle will pass it, it will never happen because they know that it will not pass.

The same thing tell these elected people to stop passing things and telling you the American voter to go to hell, their famous words, you don’t know what is good for you, well THEY DON’T ETHER.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Home Less, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Don’t Blame The Kids, Then Who Do You Blame

Bob L.
July 11th 2018

Don’t Blame The Kids, then who do we blame, the Schools, Parents, Lawyers, Courts, the schools are more interested in satisfying what the kids want, parents think the schools will teach them right and wrong, lawyers, what can you say, greed and make a name for them selves, and courts not protecting the parents rights and letting the kids do what ever they want without any recourse for their actions.

How many kids come out of school can build a House, know Electrical Wiring, Plumbing, a Machinist, Electronics, Build a Boat from scratch, this is why foreign schools are smarter than American, America only tell our kids that if you want an education, YOU have to go to college, so what does that tell you, that the U.S. does not care what happens here, just as long as they get paid a good wage and send kids home to do school work that should have been done in school, not at home.

Kids spend more time in school, oops at home doing more school work than they do in school, schools turn their backs on protecting our kids then they do educating.

Every time you here about a Violence, what is the out come, bullying, what are the schools and parents doing about that, nothing until some things happens, WHY??? I will leave it up to you to answer that question if you care.

Maybe if parents and educators spent more time educating right and wrong and less time partying, we would not have all this violence in schools, today there is no respect for others, only me my self and I, better known as GREED.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment


Bob L.
June 20th 2018

Government always brings up Entitlements, but have they ever thought about their PAY, that is an Entitlement that they keep giving them selves every year, how about cutting back on their Entitlement of pay, they don’t need that much when if you have not noticed most of them are MILLIONAIRES, like the one he needs more pay so he can afford a better place to live.

Now you have Entitlements that are paid to non citizens like Medical, Social Security, Food Allotments, then you have Non Profits out there hauling in money that don’t even pay taxes, and still pay them selves bib wages, so if you really break it down there is a lot of Entitlements other than Medicare, and Social Security, lets start there first.

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Amassing How Fast People For Get

Bob L.
June 20th 2018

It amassing how fast people for get about the past when a Republican gets in to office, I remember when Clinton was in office and Obama, they both did the same thing that Trump is doing today, but I guess that is DIFFERENT because it was a Democrat who did it.

You talk about HYPOCRITES, now they want you to believe that is child abuse, well how about when you put some one in jail and they have kids, would you not call that also child abuse taking their mom or dad away from their children.

The people in this country have gotten so lazy and greedy they don’t care what happen to it, just as long as you take away their rights, taking them away from every one else is just fine with them.

What are you going to do when this countries laws don’t mean a thing, take away Guns, Laws, the Constitution, then what do think will happen, it will be free rain and you will be at the mercy of criminals protected by Government, it is all ready happening and the people don’t care.

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Freedom, For Who?

Bob L

You can not solve problems on your own, it takes all American Citizens to join together, like they say, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL, and today, this Country is not going to survive at the rate we are going, because you all want to do your own thing, it will never work, if it did, why is the world at war with each other, because they call it GREED.

They say they are burning the FLAG, turning their back on the National Anthem, Protesting, Destroying Businesses, in the name of freedom of speech, when was it a freedom to destroy, kill, or be given the right to discriminate against others, yes DISCRIMINATE  against others, why?

It seem that our government has given special rights for Minority Groups to discriminate against others who don’t believe the way they do, you know who they are, they have no respect for this country and it’s laws, they say they are doing for what is wrong and the treatment of them.

The laws today protect the guilty of many crimes, and Prosecute the Innocent for standing up for their rights, so who has the freedom in this country today, it is not the Legal Law Abiding Citizens of this country.

People go out and Cover their faces and Terrorize Communities for what, they call it freedom of speech, but it nothing but Terror Attacks on the real freedom of this country to destroy the Real Freedom of the United States Constitution as written, they want it Destroyed to do what ever they want With-Out Persecution.

Why is it that people come here for asylum because of war, then want the U.S. to fight their war, but say death to America, and NEVER become an American Citizen, they collect Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and given other perks.  WHY???

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

First Amendment, What Is It Really

Bob L.
May 28th 2018

Today it seem that you can Say, or do Any Thing You Want because it is your right, does that mean if you don’t like some one you have the right to destroy a business or home of some one you don’t like, or maybe kill some one because you did not like them, and then call it your first Amendment Right.

Our Government need to get their head out of their — and get back to protecting all United States Citizens, not just special interest groups, it says that All People are Created Equal, not today, as it stands today, some have more rights than others, and our Government has been separating the Legal American Citizens.

Our Four Fathers from around the world came here and passed laws to make this a free Country free of unjust laws, and Taxes, but today this country is becoming more like other Countries, make up laws as you go.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Electric Cars, Look Out For What You Ask For

Bob L.
May 11th 2018

They say that people are looking more to buying ELECTRIC cars, but has any one looked at what your cost will be in the end, what if your car dies away from a charging hub? and how about the safety of others, like if it catches fire, that is a lot of voltage if there is water involved, that would be like grabbing an electrical wire, so where is the safety?

Well how about replacing BAD BATTERIES? What will it cost to install a CHARGING STATION? and do you think that the cost of Electricity will remain cheep, NO ,it will be just like any thing else, like Gas, Diesel, and Propane, They went UP, and then, what is the state going to charge for the LOSS OF THE GAS TAX  and Vehicle License.

Now for the big Question, what is it going to cost to park, you know that not all utilities will charge the same, and that same thing, what is the State, Counties, and Cities going to charge for the use being they will also loss that gas tax, look at what Seattle is now charging to get more money to waste.

Just because they eliminated liquid fuels you really think that it will be cheaper to operate, if you do than you did not learn any thing in school and college, oh that is right you are only interested in Girls, or Boys, Booze Party’s, and Protesting, you never really went to get an Education.

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Lack Of Traffic Enforcement

Bob L
05 05 2018

Has any one noticed that the laws in this country are being rewritten to benefit some people who don’t care about the law, and why should they, our government seems to think that they are not as important as protecting office workers from losing their jobs.

Take law enforcement, they are supposed to protect and serve, well their hands are tied, the courts read the laws however they want, it depends on who is breaking it.

Government Controls traffic laws, they go out and drop or raise the speed on roads because of development in the area, but yet they leave a one mile stretch at a high-speed, when that  mile has just as many Businesses.

People today don’t care, they can put up a speed sign that measures four-foot by six-foot, and people still say they did not see it, and not traffic control any more, it is do what ever you want.




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Protect Our Country And Our Military

Bob L.

Is this country gotten so stupid, greedy, and Lazy that they can not see the hand writing on the wall of what is happening here, if this is so, then you will get every thing you asked for, a country at war, and then lets see you try to stop it with out a military and guns.

Hippocrates, people come to this country and complain about our laws, complain about our Constitution, and even about our flag, they call us war monger, but when their country is in trouble, who do they call to protect their land that they left, who else, BUT the United States Military.

Hippocrates, people who are legal citizens of the United States who are anti military who will never stand up for this country, they riot they destroy, but yet they run out and buy Military Clothing as if they were in the military, but when this country calls for health and safety of people around the world this country too, what do they do run as fast as they can to another country still wearing military gear, they call that cool.

When are the people in this country going to get off their lazy greedy ass and look at what is happening to this country, they complain about Guns, but not about Knives, Cars, Gangs, they also kill hundreds every year, I see legal American Citizens with guns as people ready to defend if what is happening around the world could start here any time being there is protection of violent people by giving them sanctuary from prosecution of their crimes.

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Guns, Knives, Bombs, And Cars

Bob L
April 23rd 2018

People in this country are  really funny, they are so afraid of guns, but yet when it comes to knives, cars, and bombs that kill people, they do nothing about that, they think it will never happen to them.

Bombers are killing people around the world, but people here in this country think it will never happen here in this country, why, because we have people who carry guns to protect then from that happening, but yet they want guns banned, Question, do you want guns banned from all law enforcement, and I mean ALL, so no one can have an armed body-guard for their protection.


How about drugs, and alcohol, with that you add a car and that kill more people every than a gun, and people do nothing about that, but still go out and drink do drugs and drive their cars, and that kills people every day.

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Kids And Guns How About Cars

Bob L
April 21st 2018

What are these Teachers teaching our kids today, it looks more like violence and protesting, how about teaching a good trade, not testing, NO, kids have to teach them selves at home not in school, more home work, less education in school.

Kids protesting guns and saying get rid of guns, why not Knives or any thing that can be used like a knife, Cars, and Bullying, because they say they know more about GUNS then any one else, and that will stop kids from being killed, now is that going to stop, NO, they will fine another way.

If you want to stop the killing, then we need to ban Drugs, CARS, Motor Cycles, Bicycles, they kill more people every year, and some of them are even kids.

How many kids die every year because of suicide from being bullied in school and on-line, so start with, WHY, yes WHY before you go off half cocked to ban any thing, that will never happen because people today are lazy to do the leg work to fine out why.

People today think that they are experts on every thing, how about Gangs, and WAR, do you think they will stop just because you said STOP, you are a dreamer, if war starts here, do you think that they will leave here because you told them to leave, NO, they will have free run because no one will have a gun to protect you, oh yah all you have to do is call some one who has a gun.

Driver intentionally hit 2 pedestrians, Bothell police say

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Does Head Count Tax Go For All In Seattle???

Bob L.
April 19th 2018

Lets see, they say large employers pay a HEAD COUNT TAX, does that go for even the city that employs a LARGE NUMBER on their pay roll, (whats good for one, is good for all, you can not keep passing laws to protect your selves, they say that NO ONE is above the LAW), or is it just for the Private Sector.

When and if that head tax does go through, it will be profit for them in the end, like a tax break just like they get in federal tax loop holes where they get most of their money back, you know there are tax loop holes for large companies, not MOM and POP businesses.

Every year you hear about a Government or so Politician caught not paying their taxes, but when they do pay them there are no penalties, why is that, well it could be the laws that they pass are not for them.

You see Government does not care one little bit what happens to the Legal Citizens, if they did, they would not be selling our jobs to non citizens year after year.

Seattle businesses send message to city council on taxes


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The Case Of Greed Taxes And The Law Or No Law

Bob L.
April 8th 2018

Tacoma’s rents keep going up … and up … and up, they want you to think it is because of the lack of Rental Property, NO, it is nothing but pure GREED and ALL TAXES.

Aging and Disability Resources, does not do what it says what it does, The ADR Advisory Board serves an important role in educating legislators on key issues impacting seniors and adults with disabilities, it is a Joke, our Government agencies don’t care what happens to Seniors or the Disabled, if they did they would not allow them to be put on the streets because of High Rents or TAXES when they can not afford, but they can afford to support non Citizens and Free Loaders.

There are a lot of Senior Apartments that get a tax break to rent to seniors, but only rent to a high Income senior with a good income, not to a senior on a set income, senior on a limited income don’t get discounts on some products like, Food, Doctors, Car Insurance, NO, they throw the book at them, how many accidents do you see every day by a senior, compared to a younger person, you see on average, SIX a day, just between Snohomish, King and Pierce.

Driver dies after hit by speeding car, The Department said a 16-year-old boy was driving in south Pierce County when he passed a car and ran a stop sign.

He then hit the woman’s car, and Officials do not believe the boy was impaired and have released him. Prosecutors will determine whether or not to press charges, is this going to be the law now for any one who kills some one on the road with a car? This is what you call Vehicular Homicide, and you end up in jail.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Home Less, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

This Is Why Traffic Is Getting Worse, GREED

Bob L
March 27th 2018

This what the answer is to save the planet, bring more people in from states that have destroyed the planet in that area, now they are doing it here, (Don’t like growth in Tacoma? You should probably move, because it’s not going to stop) this is Tacoma’s  answer to global warming, and you can see that is, this is  what the government wants, they just want more tax revenue, they don’t want to solve Global Warming, they along with the State, own your water rights, even from a rain storm.

You are never going to fix the problem with Traffic, Global Warming as long as you keep eliminating vegetation that cleans the air from Carbon Dioxide, Trees, Grasses, and Farm Land is what gives us the Oxygen we need to, Ah hell all you people with your colleges degrees are so smart that you think that is not true, destruction of all this land and people is the answer to a better world, that falls under the term GREED.

Once you have destroyed the land with Homes, and Warehouses, that land will never be usable, it will for ever be contaminated with Oil, Lawn Fertilizer, and what is ever used there on that land, and the more you put down Concrete, Asphalt, the water from rain will not go back in to the ground to replenish the water under ground, it will run in to our Rivers and Bays to pollute , and there for is your water shortage.

So keep doing what you are doing, and you won’t have to worry about Global Warming destroying life on the Planet, you will starvation that will destroy this Planet, and the people who control the food will control the world.

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What Is Wrong Today

Bob L.
MARCH 24th 2018

Well today we blame every one but our selves, people today are so BRAIN WASHED, they believe what some one else said, we are so stupid, our college degrees don’t mean a thing if you can not do your own thinking, but no, you judge every thing by what some one else said.

This country has become no better than Russia, North Korea, and  Muslim Terrorist, we are ready at the drop of a penny to kill some one over bullying or by greed, and you can not forget about road rage.

We have had some Presidents who thought of nothing short of starting a war or passing laws that make others open for elimination by backing groups who will go out and destroy a whole city, because a government agency won’t do any thing about it, because it infringes on their freedom of speech, killing any one is not a freedom.

Talking about not doing any thing, look at the laws today, killing, have gun control, where is trying to find out what is behind it, schools are doing nothing about bullying, why because the parents don’t do any thing about their kids until they get in trouble, then they are yelling, stop picking on my kid, he did nothing wrong because they don’t know what their kids are doing, they don’t Listen to their kids.

Now you have the government, they keep non Essentials working, but get rid of the most Essentials people, POLICE AND FIRE, then sit back and wonder why the Increase in Murders, Accidents, and many other things, there is no one out there to enforce the laws, and when they do, they are told to step back, just look at all the red light runners, and people who don’t believe in speed limits, why waste all that money to put up signs, they are useless, people today only read what they want to read and hear what they want.

The SIGN I really like is the one that they wasted money on, IS, speed limit Strictly Enforced, then seeing Government like City, County, and State, and Buses, ignoring the speed limit, and some are tailgating.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Millennials, Obama, People, Politics, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Stupidity And Greed Go Hand In Hand

Bob L
FEB. 26th 2018

Lets start out with Greed, more money comes with Higher Taxes, more Expensive homes, Food, Gas, Utilities, Cars, lets put it this way, the more you want the more it is going to cost.

Now Lets talk about Stupidity, so many people are so worried about Global warming, global warming will destroy the world, maybe, but what good is saving the world, IF, you have no food to eat, oh yah we will have synthetic foods to eat (Chemistry Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.) that is what you will be eating to survive a world you saved through global warming.

See today they are paving over good farm land that produces Food we eat every day, Dairy Products, Meat, Milk, Cheese, like things that give us the vitamins to stay healthy, the stuff in the stores are supplements, they don’t need a prescriptions to get.

The Moral Of The Story Is Want It Now, Pay For It Later in total Destruction of the planet. No land, no food, from land that is being contaminated by over development of farm land, look at all the farm land that is now Homes, warehouses that were once food producers, and what is the Government doing about it, nothing, because they are protecting the rich.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Pollution & Global Warming, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Do They Hear What They Are Saying

Bob L.
Feb. 8th 2018

Washing State!
These People Call Them selves protectors of the state, they don’t care one little bit, they are nothing but Yuppies, Millennial, gen Xers, Gen Zers, people who have to have it, and right now, if you can not get it now, you tax the poor of this state to get what you want.

They are allowing farm land to be taxed and destroyed, once gone, it will be gone and the land will be POLLUTED, Now Where Is The EPA, if it is not taxed, than the EPA comes in and condemns it just so warehouses and homes homes can be built, so close to each other that if one catches fire it will end up being a FOUR ALARM FIRE, and they call you selves protectors of the state and the Washington State Citizens. they only care about the highest paid people who will donate to their campaign, and the hell with every one else.

So I am not a registered voter, BUT I AM A WASHINGTON RESIDENT and expect the same respect as registered voters, I live on a limited income, and I have to pay the same taxes as they do.

You are now letting Cities and Counties pass taxes with out letting the Citizens vote, so why should any one register, you don’t care what they say, you do just what you want any way.

I am 74 and I have seen it so many time in this state where you went against the vote of the people so you could get what YOU wanted, not the people, it is the same story, you don’t know what is good for you, just like POT, now the kids can have it in ways that you did not stop them from getting it, from their parents and the food made with it, and you call your selves Educated, the people who voted against it knew what was going to happen.

You all think that higher teachers pay will make our kids smarter, well every time they went on strike through the years, our education system has gotten poorer not better, that is the answer today, pay them more and give them less work and send the kids home with work that should have been done in school, not home.

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Washington State Traffic Wow

Bob L.
02 03 2018

These so called people think that they can solve the traffic problems by charging more taxes like, Higher Gas Tax, a Carbon Tax, and to top it off, charge them more to license their transportation, like Cars, Motor Homes, Motorcycles, Atv’s, and what ever they can come up with, better known as tax until it hurts the people who can least afford it.

These people sit down their shooting off their mouth, and don’t have any idea what they are talking about, they have run out almost all Farms and Farm land out with taxes and the EPA so they can cater to big business, and by doing this they have taken away the things that people need to survive just to bring in more Warehouses, and Over Developing the land, and saying that we are Depleting our Water Supply and producing Heavier Traffic by chasing people father out away from their work, and to top it off creating GLOBAL WARMING.

Now as we move on, we are now going backward, tare-out trolley lines just to now today replace them, tare-out old Electric Train lines, now we are going back to what was, an eyesore with today Educated.

These people call themselves educated, they are nothing but gotta haves and right now without thinking about the cost, but they don’t care, they call this country the richest nation in the world, it is now becoming one of the poorest nations in Farming, Education, and taking care of their people.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Pollution & Global Warming, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

America Is Not It’s Own Country Any More

Bob L.
Jan. 15 2018

America Is Not It’s Own Country Any More, it is a country of greed, it has been sold out to Foreign Government Control, this means that as an American Citizen, you have no more control of your vote, the laws, and the U.S. Constitution, has been turned against the American Citizen, it is being rewritten for non Citizens.

The America Citizen to-day has turned their backs on what this Country was, the People have become so GREEDY, they would sell their Family for money to the highest bidder, they refuse to stand up and protect this country, they let our Government sell what is left of our freedoms, just to get what they want.

America complains about Education, and runs right out and spends Millions of Dollars on sports, while this country falls farther back in education, why,so they think that wages will teach better education, a good example is, they go on strike, get the money they ask for, and the kids come home with more home work than in the past, , so who is teaching our kids, COMPUTERS AT HOME, not the teachers at school, so more pay does not produce a better product, that goes for Education, Manufacturing, and even at home.

This country has become so lazy and greedy, all you see today is GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME, I will do any thing to get what I want, and the hell with this country, look at it this way, ONCE YOU LOSE IT, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT BACK, then who will you blame, look in the mirror that is who you blame, and if you don’t see it today, then you are one of those greedy don’t give a shit, who call themselves greedy Americans.

True Americans Stand Up for America, not Rip it apart for their GAIN.

Keep telling your self this is a Free Rich country, better think again!!!


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Holidays Are Not Holidays Any More

Bob L.
Dec. 23rd 2017

Holidays were when people got together hand in hand to enjoy what we have, but today it has become nothing but party, party, the hell with what the holidays mean, Merry Christmas, better to give then receive, today it is give me give me, and that give me is all the booze and dope and get high you can get your hands on, Memorial day, again booze and pot, not honoring the people who fought and died to give you this freedom, today is, go to hell to any one who protects your freedom, that includes the Police who risk their lives every day to protect your freedom.

It goes on every day if I don’t get my way, I will take you to court, because my rights are more important than yours, what do you think this country would be today, if we were still under the rule of the Dictators of the past, you would have nothing but war, look around the world and what do you see, WAR.

Take a look at all these holidays, every time there is a holiday, yes holiday passed by government, they are the biggest and laziest, because they have more time off than any one else and call it a holiday, and get bigger pay raises then any other people then the Rich, while all Americans, the middle class and the poor have to pay them, better known as slaves for their greed.


This country need to get back on healing and telling all these people who are trying to change this country, and tell them, if you don’t like this country, LEAVE, we don’t like your style of living or religion.

You can call this what ever you want, but all the problems today are created by people who want special privileges to change the system from freedom for all.



Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Greed, Independence, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Here We Go Again With the Race Card

Bob L.
Sept. 24th 2017

This National Anthem has nothing to do with freedom of speech it is all about Race, think back when it all started, it was the treatment of Blacks and Illegals, who started it, was he not an Immigrant or black, but any way this could be better handled by less special treatment of some, and more enforcement of discrimination against all people of this country.

If the Government would start enforcing the laws against discrimination against all, then maybe we could start solving the problem, but you will never stop this problem by giving some people special treatment and Rights, I was Raised and Taught in SCHOOL, that all people are treated equal and no exceptions.

One President started passing laws to protect the Blacks, Gays, Muslims, Atheists, Women, every one of them were given special rights, and what has become of it, MORE problems with Discriminating against every one else who does not believe their way, and what do you get, people being Sued and Losing their Businesses, because of these privileges, that is not what the Constitution and Laws say.

If you don’t like our Flag, our National Anthem, our Constitution and laws, then you don’t like this Country, if you think that you have it bad, go get a truck driving job, see how fast you will lose your job with what you do, take, and drink.

If you want to stop Discrimination stop Special Privileges, and start enforcing the laws against discrimination, ALL People should be protected against Discrimination, not just the privileged, that is just like if you are a politician, the laws don’t pertain to them.

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They Are All Gone To The Past

Bob L.
July 29th 2017

What has happen to small towns, why is it more important to make it some thing it is not, small towns were where people got together and got to know their neighbors got to go shop at local businesses.

Then some Fancy Pants with all their greedy money comes in to these towns and thinks that they can make more money by changing them to fit their life style, by this they don’t care any thing about what the local towns people think, they don’t care how many small businesses they close down, they just think about what is better for them $$$.

These people tear down the local businesses and build big box stores thinking that is what people need, by this people get farther apart, these towns now become a place for crime to start because there are no more jobs for these people to go to, because they now have to have a college degree to work their, if you don’t then they are not entitled to get a living wage that they once had.

Now to-day, you don’t have to go to the store and shop, just set their lazy butt in a chair and let their fingers do the work, but wait now all you have to do is use your voice and tell a machine what you want, and (wallah, you now have IDENTITY THEFT, why you promote it by not using your brain, oh they do, they sit on it), because it is too tiring to use their feet and fingers to do some work.

These towns become high-rise death traps, if there is a fire people have no chance to get out because the fire departments do not have the equipment to reach more than what, eight floors, any thing above that good luck, you are on your own.

These towns now don’t have liquor stores, now you can buy it just about any where, what next, no more pharmacy’s, you will walk into any store and buy any type of drug you want, legal or not, see all this is today, is more money to feed the rich, to hell with the people any more, just get every one high on booze and drugs just so the government and the rich can line their pockets.

Look around, these cities are doing nothing but trying to out do and be better than some other towns or cities, when are the people going to get a backbone and stop this waste of money.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Rich, SAFETY, Unions, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entitlement, What Is It?

Bob L.
July 26th 2017

Entitlement, the way they talk, there is only one group of people who are getting it, now lets take a look at who is actually gets it, well you have People Coming To This Country getting it and has never worked here, People with good financial worth, and some have never paid into it, All Government Employees, they don’t provide a product to sell to guarantee their big pay checks, you can go on and on, but, there is more.

Lets look at Government, Automatic Pay Raises, like one of them said, they need a $1,500.00 a month pay raise to afford a better place to live while in DC (he is making about $200.000.00 Dollars), well there are people who would just like to have a study roof over their heads, that don’t have a place to call home, their home is a Blanket, Sleeping Bag, an Over Pass, and even a cardboard box, some of these people want to live like that, but not all, like families who lost their job and their home.

Then you have Tax Exempt which they call Corporate Welfare who get money called grants, and some they don’t have to pay back, and then you have large companies who don’t provide medical for their employees, they send them to the government for it called Medicaid, and talking about that, there are people who refuse to take a job to help pay for it, and here again people come here just to get it.

The group of people who I mention at the beginning Seniors, Disabled, and Kids with Cancer, Aids, and other medical problems, I don’t want to get in to them all but they need these services, and what it is, it is Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, they call this Entitlement.

I see Entitlement as any one who is worth more than $45,000.00 before taxes a year taking that check, or gets money every year to operate a company for any reason, is ENTITLEMENT, but no they go after people who really depend on it to have a place to call home, like my wife and my self, every month we pay for our medical, and they call that an entitlement, if that is entitlement, then what do they call their Medical Plan, and even their Pay Checks, it is all Entitlement.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who Received Brains And Who Did Not

Bob L.
July 14th 2017

This country is showing just how much our education has gone down in the sewer, or drug uses, when it comes to brains, Washington State has again shown ignorance in education.

This state along with others have gone all out to stop Tobacco and other product like it, to stop people from using them to, but then say Smoke pot, I was to understand that smoke from second-hand smoke was hazardous to non smokers, like some one who lives with a pot smoker who does not smoke it can test positive to smoking, and can lose their jobs, now is that Healthy?

Now they are after drug use that involves Opioid and Death from over dosing, same with any other drug like, Heroin, Sleeping pills, just a few, but yet want to spend taxpayers money for Heroin shoot up places, when all this time they are spending taxpayer money to stop Opioid uses, did any one twist their arms to start using it more and more, NO, they did it to themselves, so now we the people are being charged to clean up their drug habits that we did not tell them to use, they did it themselves.

When it all comes down to ignorance it shows just how far our education has come, from Eight Grade drop-outs becoming Million airs to down right Over Educated Stupid and Ignorant people today that gotta have every thing their way, what happen to common sense in our schools, with the education and learning the different s in right and wrong, it won’t be taught at home, when how to respect for others is not even taught in the home, school are not teaching it, it seems that schools are teaching every thing the opposite of what they are being paid, they seem to be teaching Disrespect for the laws and Others and their property.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Governor, Greed, Health, Independent, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

GREED Is More Than For Money

Bob L.
June 24th 2017

Don’t let this happen! If you don’t care about your Country, think about your children’s future

GREED, greed is for Money, Prestige, King Of The Hill, or Group, today it is for king of the hill, or which group has more power over others, like the Muslims and their Religion and hell with our laws, Black Lives Matter and no one else, Gay Rights, Atheists who don’t believe in any thing, and Environmentalists who believe that they are right and better, but they all think that their rights are more important than any one else.

When people think that GREED is more important than being UNITED as a Nation, this country is in for a big fall, and when it happens you are not going to like it, and it will be too late to do any thing about it, and we are just about to that point of no return, I would say Fifteen years or MAYBE sooner, it is up to the Citizens to put a stop to it, because it will not happen on its own. [I am the law now, And I will interpret your Constitution as I please, WHO WILL IT BE??????]

I believe people were coming together better as years passed, but it took just Eight Years to return this Country into the Fifties, fighting each other, and bringing in more Immigrants, now who is providing them with Money, Places to Live, Medical, and jobs that are not available for U S Citizens, and WHERE IS ALL THIS MONEY coming from to support them, and U S Citizens, The Next Country that will be Running this Country.   



Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Greed, Health, Home Less, Independent, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Republicans, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I Don’t Know About You, But

Bob L.
June 21st 2017

I don’t know about you, I am not a Republican, Democrat, an

Democrats & Republicans they won’t work with me, stop WHINING & do your JOB!!!

Independent, I am a United States Citizen and getting tired of our Government wasting money on all these meaningless hearings that are going no where, and doing nothing about it but wasting money, and not doing what they were elected to do.

I am getting tired of our Government agencies whining and crying about they can not get any thing done, but yet they will not work with each other, all they seem to do is, we are not make enough money and we need a pay raise, I think we all need a pay raise and get paid like they do, and whine that they have to work to hard, I wish we all could get payed and have all the perks that they have.

I am getting tired of all these people coming into this country and telling us  our Laws, our Religion, and our U S Constitution has to go, they come here as a guest of the people, and some never become Citizens, but then some of them turn around and stab us in the back, while making it bad for the ones who want to live in this country under all our Laws, Religion, Constitution, and Holidays, and some will become U S Citizens.

They say that if you don’t like what they are doing than vote them out, lets get rid them and pass term limits of two terms and no more, and once they are out, they can no longer work for any other Government Agency, or Government Contractor, or have any dealing with Government any way shape or form, when you are out YOU ARE OUT.

I am getting tired of the news media constantly push unrest, if some one gets shot, they push that 24 – 7, turn on the news, still reporting it a week later, the more they push it the more hot things get.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Independent, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Republicans Won’t, But How About?

Bob L
June 21st 2017

What a bunch of hogwash, Republicans won’t work with Democrats over Health Insurance, HOW ABOUT, you have to pass it if you want to know what is in it, does that sound like Republicans won’t work with Democrats, it was the other way around when Obamacare was being drawn up behind closed doors, so people get your stories straight.

Republicans and the Russians, how about Democrats and the Russians, why are they not doing something about that?

Why is it that the Republicans are the only ones who are destroying this country, well the Democrats are wasting taxpayers money keeping these hearing going to find just any thing they can, I think they should start investigating them selves for interfering with disrupting Government from doing what they were elected to do.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Gen Xs, Governor, Health, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bankruptcy Coming To America Workers

Bob L.
June 13th 2017

As they say, companies are greedy and don’t want employees to take any more of their pocket-money (pay checks), but for every person who is put out of work, that is another person who will NOT be buying what is for sale, there will be more Shoplifting and more Theft, this is what is going on today. The Government and Companies don’t care about the American Citizen, if you can not see it than you are very blind, or stupid.

How about Cars, Homes, and all Utilities, Water, Gas, Lights, do you think they will sit back and lose money, NO, they will do like they are now, making it harder on the people, by jacking up their Prices, how about them cutting back on the amount of people like every other company is doing today, Government Hires, Private Lays Off, so what is the out come, Bankruptcy, and More Homelessness, no money coming in and no money to BUY, they are depending on the people who still have a job, Prices and Taxes will still keep going up, no end to GREED, but closer to claps.

At the rate of job cuts and hiring, there will never be enough jobs to put every one back to work, know mater what you do, so tighten your belts and put away any thing you can, because once these jobs are gone, they are gone, if you can not see the writing on the wall then you are pretty stupid.

Do you think that they will not bring people in from other Countries to fill these jobs, they are doing that today, so what makes you think they will not do it then.

By 2020 over Five Million jobs or more will be gone, all because of GREED on both sides for more money, so keep up the greed and you will be on the outside looking in and wondering what happen, if you don’t believe it, look at the businesses that are now installing self check out, NO CASHIERS, if you don’t think so, then you fave not been to any stores lately, go to Wal-Mart, Safeway, Albertson, Lowes, Home Depot, it has already started in the fast Food Industry. So what will it be, for every One Person Hired, Fifty will not, mite be higher, not very good odds, 1=50, 1=100.



Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Unions, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Warming Is A Scam For $$$$$$ Greed

Bob L.
June 7th 2017

162 Acres Farm Land being plowed under for $$$$$$ for profit.

A fight over farm land, for Corporate, City and County profit not to stop Global Warming, if any one with any brains, knows the only way to curb Warming is to keep as much greenery as you can, that goes for farm land, it has two ways to work, One it produces FOOD, and Two it is a vacuum to clean the Atmosphere of contaminants at the same time it produces Oxygen.

162 Acres of farm land

This will produce more pollution then a farm would produce, GLOBAL WARMING, HA, what a joke, just a big scam for profit.

Vegetation is why we have Oxygen to breath and how nature cleans CO2 and all impurities from the air, and with out it the Earth will be destroyed and no better than other planet, DEAD.

This is a good example of Greed ($$$$$$) and not to save the earth, look around, every where you look you can see Farm Land, and Forest Lands being leveled for Profit, for every square inch of land to build Thousands of Homes, Warehouses, Parking Lots, Parks, and a lot of Asphalt, and that has a lot to do with why the water table is slowly disappearing and no wells can be put in, because all that water is diverted to storm drains and run into the sound, and then they complain about contaminated rivers and bays, greenery does a better job to clean than a filter can, why that is why you need all that greenery, is to do its job to take out the contaminates, it does more than clean the air.

Look around the Cities today, most of the trees have been taken out, I can remember when you could drive down these streets and see lush Gardens, and Trees, look at Fife, old 99 used to be tree-lined, where are those tree today????.

They all want to charge a tax of some kind, for what, nothing but a PROFIT for the Rich, and Governments for their pockets, not the people’s, it will cost the people Jobs, Homes, and where will the people end up, get your box now before they recycle them all for their profit.


Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Stock Market, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Warming & The People

Bob L.
May 28th 2017

It is not global warming that is distorting this Country, it is the PEOPLE and COMPANIES, they have become so greedy, and lazy, the people today would never survive the work that our ancestors did when the came to this country, they complained but if you wanted a job you had to except what was there, they were not given hand outs like today, they had to work until the Stock Market crashed because of there is that word again, GREED, just like the housing bust.

People and Companies have become so greedy they have put up barriers that today keep people from working, every one want a big pay check, some to the point as to putting in machines to replace the people, others put stipulations in that keep people from getting a job that is open, and then say no one want to work, just so they can bring in more people from another county.

You might think that is not true, but how many people have lost their job to some one they had to train from another country to do that job at a lower rate of pay, GREED on the companies part, how many people have tried to get a job but were turned down for the reason of Bad Credit, Filed for Bankruptcy, to Old or Young, no Experience or to much Experience.

It is not in most cases that people don’t want to work, it is because these companies are to picky so they can make a bigger profit, just look at all these stores today that are going out of business, why, GREED, and trying to sell their product at over inflated prices, when they buy them from sweat shops at pennies on the dollar.

This country did not start out with all these fancy Machines, or Computers, they had Pick and Shovels, Wheelbarrows, Pad and Pencils to do Math in their head, they did this work for FIFTY CENTS a day for ten to twelve hours a day, five, six or seven days a week, can the people today say that, NO, because the don’t care what happens to this country, only what they can put in their pocket for nothing.

And if you get to the heart of it all, you will find that it all starts with Government and their greed, Outrageous Wages and Perks, Taxes and More Taxes, like a carbon Tax that will put more people out of work and living on the streets, Regulations with the Help of the EPA that have been put on these Companies to the point of going out or almost going out of Business, SO who is really the cause of Global Warming, GREED.


Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Pollution & Global Warming, Profiling, Republicans, Rich, Stock Market, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Prescription Drug Side Effects

Bob L.
May 27th 2017

Prescription drugs list all their side effects, but I have not heard any one say what the side effects of mixing chemicals in our drinking water with Prescription Drugs people take.

How many people die or get sicker every year because of mixing Drinking Water Chemicals and Prescription Drugs, or become sick just by drinking the water that has these chemicals in it.

I would just like to know if some one would be honest enough to tell the truth about any side effects that there are by mixing the two, they are always saying not to mix Chemicals together because a reaction they produce.

What chemicals are used to disinfect the water supply?
The three chemicals most commonly used as primary disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone. Monochloramine, usually referred to as chloramine, is used as a residual disinfectant for distribution, and Water Fluoridation.
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Smarter Than The Average What ????????

Bob L
May 17th 2017

You know there is an old saying that you need to be Smarter Than The Average person, but that does not stand true today, the average person runs off to get an average education, so they say, but the real truth is that the smarter you get, the dumber you are, does that stand true, yes, these people do not have a clue to what is going on, but when it effects them, they cry like little babies, and then want to know why it is happening, ignorance is the word (not caring), but they did not learn that when they got educated, education today is party’s and sex.

Like the movie says, stupid is as stupid does, if you look at how this country has evolved, people have become true to that state, WHY, look around you, our ancestors fought to make this country a place to live with out run away Taxes, Freedom of Religion, but does that stand true today, NO, people are now letting others come to this country and tell us what Flag to Fly, how we are going to educate our kids in the future, and what Religion we are going to practices, is that what this country is all about, Dictator control.

Here is a good example of what is happening here today, people boycott an individual who uses a sweat shop to make their product, but they runs right out and buys a product from Companies that lays off people here to move to an other country to use the same sweat shops, now is that smart or is that showing just how dumb Educated people are today, they have no respect for what our Ancestors fought for, and if you want to talk about slavery, look at all our Government Agencies, than Businesses, and you will slavery first hand.

This Country is headed right down the crapper because how stupid our education system has become, it no longer teaches the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights, it no longer teaches the different s of right or wrong, they allow students to dictate how they are going to be taught, and the problem today is nothing but teaching how to be greedy and get as much as you can rip off, or kill to get it.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

City Income Taxes, What Next State, Stop Local & State Income Taxes!

Bob L.
May 2nd 2017

Welcome to Washington State

Welcome to the next step in Washington State, City council unanimously passes Seattle income tax resolution, that is a big mistake if the people of Washington State let this happen, as you know this state is money hungry greedy just like California, Georgia, New York, and so on.

I lived in Ohio for sixteen years before moving back to Washington State, and while there, that state had STATE Income and CITY Income Taxes, and all the other taxes, is that what you want here, just think about it before you say YES, city income tax in Ohio went like this, IF YOU LIVED in One City and worked in another you PAID Taxes in BOTH, NOW is that what you want here, that is what is going to happen if Seattle gets their tax, you won’t have to live there, you work there (so pay up), to be taxed right out of your homes and jobs, that is what is happening right here in this state right now, the poor and the unemployed are put out on the streets to live.

We have a Government that loves to spend as if there is no tomorrow, they don’t care who they hurt, all they care is tax until it hurts, and then tax some more, they talk about affordable housing, where, maybe if you are on a list, but that list is full, there is no more money to help pay to add more people on it.

It is time to tell this state it is run by the people’s vote, get that, PEOPLE’S VOTE, not what our Governor and his YES people want, how many tax proposals you the people of Washington State voted on, they seem to think that they are the people down there in Olympia, look what happen in ST3 did your vote count or was it Seattle’s (tax & spend) vote that counted, not yours, TELL these Cities State and Counties that this is yours not theirs to do what ever they want with out the people’s approval.

This is the problem here and all states, they don’t care what the people want, they are going to do what ever they want, look around and you will see that they passed laws so they don’t have to go to the people to get what they want, and when a vote is put before the people it should be 75% percent, not 51% percent to be passed.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Congressman Pay, Salary Is ‘Bull-crap’

Bob L.
April 13th 2017

Congressman tells angry constituents the idea that they pay his salary is ‘bull-crap’ 

If this is what these politicians think of the American tax payer, and all Legal U.S. Citizens, why don’t we take away their pay and tell them that we no longer fund their wages, and that they will go there, do their job, and travel to and from on their own dime, and we will no longer give them any Pay, Benefits, or Retirement, how many would want the job than, and the people have to vote them in for a maximum of four years and no more.

The American people need to let them know that we put them there, it was not just given to them, and that people voted for them to do their job while they are working for the people of this country, the legal American Citizen, if they don’t can them.

Has this country gotten so greedy that it is about to implode on its self, here is a good

ST 3

example, Seattle has gotten to the point that what ever they say, that is the law of Washington State, and you have to except what they say and want, like it or not, stand up and put them in there place by voting down what ever they want, start making them come up with their own money if they want it, it is time for the people of this state to put a stop to Seattle’s greed.

It is getting so bad that every where around Seattle, the rents and taxes are outrageous, , at this rate it won’t be long that the only place to live is on the street, or any where you can put up a tent, and our elected officials don’t care, all they say is Not In Our Back Yard.

They say that they are wasting their time if you are not a registered, well you must have a permanent address to vote, I think that is why they want you there, home less, and always being moved until you die, or move on, so they can do what ever they want, they call that, Dictators against the people rights.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Immigrant To This Country

Bob L.
April 11th 2017

Is this what this Country is becoming

Why did Immigrants come to this country, to get away from what is happening today, a Government that has gone spend happy, greedy, and out of control, why is that, look around you, politicians only care about the people who will go along with them on spending, the ones who gotta have every thing, cost is no problem, just do it, but there are people who are trying to keep a roof over their and their kids heads, these people are who they now call homeless, you have the poor and the seniors who are hit the hardest.

What are these politicians doing about it, keep them moving, we don’t want them in our back yard, but now, WHY are these people in this way, we have to blame the Government, and Unions, nun of them are trying to fix the problem, the problem starts with Corporations and their executives, wanting to control what the people on what they make, the unions that are now a business in them selves and want more money, and the Government politicians, greed, for the money from these people, why are they not trying to get jobs back for them, Oh that’s right, these people did not go to college, that’s the new thing today, no College Education No Work.

So the moral of the story, if you are not a voter, they don’t want to hear what you have to say, even that you are the ones who are paying taxes, and all their wages, that is all they want from you, so keep your mouth shut, because you are actually the Smartest one of the bunch, you don’t have to have money, a College Education, because you can see what goes on every day, where their Education and money blinds them from the truth to what is happening, GREED, and a way to scam the people behind closed doors.

These Politicians stand up there and tell you that they have a College Education and are better than you, from what I can see is, where is it, I don’t see it, I think dumb is a better Statement for their Education.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who Is Racist In This Country, Who Is Not

Bob L.
April 10th 2017

To start out there are a lot of good people who love this county and will do any thing to protect it, so why are they so many who don’t care and will not stand up for it, and cause a lot of problems, you will never find a country as good as this one as it used to be, greed got started, and is now bring it down, and we know who the greedy are, Companies, and Government, the old saying green $$$$$ talks when it come to how you live.

Here is a question I bet no one can answer, who is not racist in this country, do you give up yet, look around you who is not helping stop discrimination in this country, these people who are screaming the loudest about it.

Black Lives Matter, where are they when a disaster happens in this country, when it involves the lives of black people as a matter of fact all people.

How about the Muslims, they come to this country to get away from the problems in their country, then they have the nerve to tell us that we have to live by their standards, and that Americans are so inconsiderate of them, why are they not helping uncover or turn in the problem, the ones who are causing  the problems that are bring them down.

Now you have the Atheist who is trying to take over all people’s religion in this country, and say people discriminate against them, I wonder why.

And now you have the Gay community saying that people are against them, and discriminating against their life style.

You can go on and on, but, When it all comes down to it all, they all think that they are better than any one else, and need special privileges, and you are to kiss their *#&, so start living your own lives, and stop pushing your life down on every one else, every one has enough problems with their own lives, they don’t need yours to.

When you break it all down, they are causing their own problem, if they lived their own life and stop pushing it on every one else, you know I don’t think you would have this problem here or around the world, and they would not have to have some one pass a law to protect them from discrimination or harassment, in other words, do on to others as you would have them do on to you, if you discriminate on them, than they can discriminate on you.

If you would like the answer to the question, than look at your self, all these kids ARE NOT born racist, people teach them to be racist, that includes mothers, fathers, schools,  society and other kids, oh and yes, we can not forget about the Government, know matter who you are they are taught, they are not born Racist.

Until people take it seriously, and really want to stop it, it will never stop as long as you have people who keep pushing racism.


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What Is The Matter With Democrats, Greed

Bob L.
April 4th 2017

All you hear from democrats is pass this pass that, do they really know what this and that is, NO, this and that is always pay raises and jobs for education and Government, but where is this education, all I have seen is,teachers get more pay and our children get farther behind the rest of the world, every time people pass a bond for books and maintenance,teachers Union says teachers first, than what is left over, put it where it was supposed to go, if any is left.

Now they are down there in Olympia trying to pass, what a (7) Seven Billion Dollar budget to protect are health and our children and Education, you can not educate without books, and some one who knows how to teach, sure we have some good teachers who are dedicated, but you also have teachers who only want money (union), every one wants that, but you have to earn it, it is not just given to you, that is what they are telling kids, they are telling them to go to college and get a good education come out and you will have a good job waiting for you, sorry life does not work that way, if you believe that, you are as dumb as the ones telling you, there are some who don’t want to go to college.

For these people who don’t want to go to college or have the money to go, they need jobs to, so why are they chasing out or closing down companies where these people can work, if you don’t know it, there are trade schools people where you can get a good education, and not get in debt for ten to twenty years.

To get a good job you have to start at the bottom, plus you have to also learn and not just go to college to party and have a good time, and what I can see is that these people running this country did not learn one thing but party hardy, if they did they would not be trying to destroy it, look around you, how many people are out of work do to people who say they are educated, the only thing that they know is live on free money on the tax payers dime, that is not what make this country great, stealing from the poor to give to the rich, that is the definition of a Democrat, watch the Washington State channel and see who is really standing up for the people of Washington state.

These Democrats say they need to protect out children, how in hell can you protect our children and their health if you are putting people out of work, if people don’t work people don’t buy, or did they not learn that in college, another thing with all these tax increases, what makes them think that the poor and seniors will be able to afford and survive on less, like Food, Rent, Utilities, Insurance, and paying more for prescription drugs, for every dollar you take or put on these people you are putting them closer to death or living on the street, so what is the answer, get rid of free loading companies that can support them selves like, the American non government people have to live on what the average person gets paid.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Health, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who Is Running This Country

Bob L.
March 28th 2017

Bald Eagle is not safe any more, let alone the flag.

Who is running this Country, Special Interest Groups, LBGT, Black lives Matter, Lawyers, Judges, Muslims, Atheists, boy it sure is not for the American Citizens and their safety, every one of these groups are trying to tell you what to do, and the Judges Lawyers and Government are protecting them, remember, what do they keep saying all are created equal, not any more, if you are not in one of these groups, you don’t have a legal leg to stand on, so bend over.

It is bad when Lawyers and a Judges who are supposed enforce the laws are now breaking the laws and changing the Constitution to suit themselves, and all these groups, I bet if the Legal American citizen were to go out and do what these Judges and lawyers are doing, they would find themselves in jail be-four you could say I am doing just what you are doing, writing the law to benefit my self, so what is the difference.

The Law Is The Law, and if they will not be enforced, than they should be held liable for obstruction of the law just like every one else would be, and charged as Accessary to the crime committed, they keep saying NO ONE is above the law, and can not take the law in their own hands, well that is not what it looks like now, looks like any one can write the laws today, so why do we need Lawyers and Judges, they only protect the guilty, not the law-abiding citizens.

If they don’t start enforcing the laws , than the people had better stock up on Guns and Ammunition, and get what ever you can to protect your self, the war is about to start in this country, lets say it has already started by trying to take away your rights to protect your self.

And then you have an ex President who thinks he is still President trying to stop Government from doing their job with the help of the Democrats, who don’t care about the Legal American Citizens Health and Safety, they are only trying to find a way to take over the Government as fast as they can, (they call that a Dictator) and by doing this they are opening this country to World War 3 on American soil, from what I can see is, they don’t care what happens here, just as long as they get what they want.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Governor, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Do We Need Four Transit Systems

Bob L.
March 25th 2017

Why Not Combine four transits into one Thurston, Pierce, King, Snohomish, and get rid of Sound Transit, WE DON”T NEED IT, it is nothing but a scam on the people of these three counties, Pierce, King, Snohomish, that also goes for E Check, what is it five Counties have it and no one else does.

Why in hell are we paying for four transit system, FOUR, YES FOUR, Pierce Transit, King County Transit, and Snohomish County Transit, and yes the BIGGEST Rip off of all, SOUND TRANSIT, look at where their offices are, Pierce and Sound are both in the same office building, operate off the same grounds and garage, now, why does that sound a little fishy, they both tax Pierce County Residents, well they are now in the process of operating in the same area, same in Seattle on city streets. Does S T still have free rider ship IN Tacoma, if so WHY, you have to pay to ride Pierce Transit.

Now I do believe they also run into Olympia, if so does Thurston County pay for that service like Pierce, King, and Snohomish, yes or no, that same thing goes for E Check, Thurston County does not have E check, but, Pierce, King, and Snohomish does, but Five to six days a week, they come into these three Counties to go to work, and these three Counties get penalized for Pollution standards.

Look around and what do you see, I see a group of people who went to college and don’t have any idea of what they went to college for, I thought it was to get an education to do things right, but no, they only do what is right for them.

I remember when you could go to Tacoma and see the trolley tracks, but then some one had a brain storm, lets pull up all these tracks because we will never use them, BUT LOOK what is now happening, thousands of dollars later, we are now putting them back in, now that  took a lot of brains, same for all these railroad tracks they pulled up, they could have been used for light rail, there again,EDUCATION at work.

Now what is it going to take to get people to get their head out of their Ass, and use that education for all, not just for them selves, you can go only go so far before you bankrupt this State, and Counties with all this fancy thinking, outrageous Government wages, and all this taxing before you realize you can not keep taxing people to the breaking point, it all has to end before we lose every thing, we are almost there now, look at some of the states now that are on the brink of Bankruptcy.

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Brain Died Politicians Who Only Think Of Them Selves

Bob L.
March 20th 2017

I keep reading and hearing about how to deal with home less people, are these politicians so over Educated and brain died and stupid, or is it that they don’t care about the people who put them into office.

One good way to get homeless people off the street is to bring back jobs that they are or have been trained for, but no they are only looking to put people to work that have a College education, did any one tell them that not all people can afford to or want to college, and these people would like to have jobs that they had before the Government Bureaucrats took them away and sent them over seas.

Now is that so hard to do, by getting these jobs back to the people, What It Should Say, the Legal U.S. American Citizens, but no, they promise these jobs to Refugees that are brought into this country against the U.S. Constitution, and Laws. 

State, Tacoma officials consider how to solve homeless camp under I-705 (now just think how they are going to do that, chase them out to another spot, instead of bringing jobs back)

These politicians are so out of touch of the people, they think that we don’t exist, so they go on doing what ever they want to do, no matter who they hurt, Why don’t we the people take away their Jobs and Incomes and see how they like it.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Profiling, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Washington State, White House | Leave a comment

If Global Warming Is So Bad, Then Why?

Bob L.
March 9th 2017

If global warming is so important, then WHY, are they pushing for more Air Planes in the sky, and Larger Air Ports for more air traffic?

If global Warming is so bad, then why are they not doing more to ground all these planes that are taking off every Five (5) to Ten (10) Minuets, instead of sticking it to people on the ground trying to find a job, and why are they closing more companies because of EPA and Government Regulations?????

Is there more to it than they want the people to know, lets say profits for the rich, and Politicians, and is that why they don’t want the swamp cleaned out, because it would hurt the very people who pay very little taxes because of all the loop holes that government gives them.

OK, if you want to enforce global warming than you have to Ban All Fossil fuels, that will include Natural Gas, Crude Oil, and Coal, and from that you would have NO Gasoline for your Cars, Planes, Power plants, or any thing that uses these Fossil Fuel to operate, Is that what all these Environmentalist want, than ban them all, and lets see what happens.

And by the way tear down all the Hydroelectric, then this country will be just what these people want, and guess what you will have nothing, NO Jobs, Homes, Cars, Electric, Money, and NO place to get in out of the weather, and what do you think will happen to our illustrious Government who loves to blow money like it grows on trees, oh that’s right the saps who have to work their asses off to keep them walking away with big pay checks, that will end. BY! BY!

IT WILL BE DOG EAT DOG, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, AND WHO EVER WILL BE LEFT STANDING WILL BE THE WINNER, BUT OF WHAT????? you will see a land of cannibals, eat what they can find.

So all you over Educated Idiots who think they know it all, well, what do you want a country that all know matter who they are,work together, or a country that is so divided as we are today, to where you will get your Ass Kicked, Shot, or just gang beat down, it is all up to you, this country is what you make it, Gangs walking the streets, Rapist taking down your wife and daughters and saying that they don’t matter, they are just a tool for them to be used at will, think about what you want and what you are doing to this country, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE IT MUCH LONGER IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR A– AND TAKE CARE OF IT, SAY GOOD BY.

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War, Who Is Pushing For War?

Bob L.
March 3rd 2017

Who Is Pushing For War Around The World? Well I would have to say the Democrats who were behind the KKK, and Slavery, check your history, oh that’s right, you know it all, you went to college to be stupid and not learn street smart!

Every one talks about peace and love around the world, but look what the Democrats are doing, look at what the people in the United States are doing, they are no better than the people who are doing what they are accusing these countries of doing.

You want a free country, and a safe one, well half of this country just sold it to the people who you are complaining about, your Religion, the Constitution, and laws you want are just about gone, Oh Yah, we can not for get about freedom, once gone you will never see it again, so I hope you are happy with your selves, so keep up with what you are doing, selling this country.

Well you better look around you, because if a war got started today, there is not a person here today that would stand up for their country, they would run to the nearest country that would take them, and on top of that, this country would lose, WHY, because Americans have allowed people to come into this country who are ready to close this country down with one shot, if you don’t know how, then you are the problem.

See the American people are so greedy, that goes for the top as well, Million Dollar wages that are keeping Americans from working and having a good medical coverage, YES, so much money is siphoned off the top before it can be used to keep companies profitable.

Why do you think that companies are closing their doors every year, why can’t people have a good health plan, it all comes down to GREED, and on the other hand, the working people keep complaining that they don’t make enough, but some of these people are the ones who keep prices of Taxes, Food, Cars, Insurance, and all around every thing else, why they are the got to have people who don’t care what it costs, then turn around and say they are not making enough.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Greed, Health, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lack Of Education Today In Higher Learning!

Bob L.
Feb. 25th 2017

Education today left educating students from Schools K through 12 to college, there has been so much change, it left students with no history of how this country was formed.

President Trump did not write the Constitution or the laws that he is trying to enforce, these Laws and the Constitution were signed into law by the Immigrants who formed this country to prevent what is happening today from happening.

When it comes to checking into Trump and Russia, why don’t they check into how  deeply involved the Democrats are, it seems that there is a foundation going around all these countries collecting money and favors and what else, did any one check into where this money is coming from and going, and how much is coming from Russia, or is that closed-door negotiations like Uranium and Arms Deals.

You have a few Presidents who slammed the doors on education and Colleges who don’t teach students how this country was formed, and how many were not allowed in for many reasons and were turned around and sent back to where they came from.

How many people know the story behind Ellis Island: http://www.history.com/topics/ellis-island

Why are they not teaching on how the Democrats were behind Slavery, and still pushing for slavery today:   http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/08/democrats_slavery_and_the_american_record.html    


Now Why Is This Not Being taught In Schools and Colleges Today, is it a cover up to destroy a free society for their profit.

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Scammers And Liers

Bob L.
Feb. 24 2017

people_30It is amassing how a Politician can stand up in front of the American people and tell a bald face lie, or (scam) to the American people and tell them their platform to get Elected, than turn around and stand up in front of the American people and hold up their right hand and swear to enforce the laws and the Constitution.

These people than complain about some one who wants a free and safe country and call them traders, traders are people who stand up in front of the American people and say they have a right to lie and do what ever they want to get elected, but tell kids it is not right to lie.

Who is right, a person with a proper education or a person who goes to college to learn how to lie, is that what this country is all about, lying and scamming and teaching our kids to lie and break the law and disregard the United States Constitution, is that what this Country is all about.

Now all these people who want to break the law and tell the Constitution to go to hell, are they going to take full responsibility for what some one does, are they going to pay restitution to people who get hurt or killed, and is it right for some one who is elected to enforce the laws, to go out and start a protest, or riot, NO, they are breaking the laws themselves, they can not take sides, they are supposed to bring people together not divide them, that is what is happening today in this country.

These people who start and back unrest in this country should be brought up on treason charges, for trying to under mine the Government with their own Government Rules, Laws, and Constitution, these laws and Constitution, they were drawn up by Immigrants who did not like the laws from where they came, so why are we letting Immigrants, Refuge, and Illegals today, why are we letting them, tell us that we have to rewrite our laws and Constitution for their beliefs.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Media ‘The Enemy Of The American People’

Bob L.
Feb. 18th 2017

I my self would have to agree with the media being the enemy of the people, you read the papers, you watch TV, you see news for Special Interest Groups, like LGBT, BLM, Muslims, Sports, Fluff news, and Commercials, but when it comes to the safety and information about the safety of this country, it is about a thirty-second mention.

This country spends more on every thing than it does on Education, look at the news and what do you see Millions on sports, Highways, especially in Seattle and King County, and then turn around and say we need Mass Transit, but yet they keep widening the highways, that money could go into mass transit and education, not bigger highways to get people to and from all these Sports Arenas, and then they build them in the most contested areas.

And, another question comes to mind, why is this country spending so much money for refuges and illegals, and giving them jobs, and telling the unemployed in this country that there are no jobs available for them, but will hire non citizen for these jobs, I call that discrimination in reverse.

It is no longer called in this country, all are created equal, when you give others special privilege over others, the Constitution does not give any one to have privileges over other, and this goes for the Government as well, the law is for all not just when you want it to benefit others.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sears Closes It’s Doors

Bob L.
Feb. 16th 2017

Now is that headline fake news, YES, it has nothing to do with the story, that is how media sells, this is to get people to buy their news that has nothing to do with the real story, the real truth is, yes and no, sears is slowly closing its doors, but does any one know why, well it is the age-old story, GREED, all the way around, people at the top, and people working for the company who are just as greedy as the people running these companies.

This story of greed has gone on for years, and as long as it keeps going on companies will keep going by the way side, that goes for all, Insurance, Auto, Taxes, and Stores, you can go on for ever and it all ends up with the word GREED.

See if you don’t know or don’t under stand, or just don’t care, than you are just as greedy as the companies, you see it all the time no matter what it is, if a product sells good, than you jack up the price until people stop buying it, than they drop the price, why greed, it is the age-old story, if people buy, than if they jack up the price, than they will make more to pay to pay them selves.

When this all happen, than companies close their doors and Americans lose their jobs, so who does it benefit, not the blue-collar workers who live on month to month to pay their bills, but not the greedy rich, they can live for years sitting at home living off the back of the blue-collar worker who made them that money.

Today Educators are not teaching how to save and protect a safe work place, they are teaching greed, and not how to protect and preserve a country from failure, just how to scam the country for their own profit, today people are not happy with a decent wage, they want to be better than any one else, and in the process, they bring down an economy and hurt others with higher taxes, and prices, just to brag about I am better than you, is that what education is teaching today.

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Treason, Dictator Or Constitution Which Will Prevail???

Bob L.
Feb. 12th 2017

The United States is in big trouble!!!!!                                                                                                                                                          11291809-largeIs this what is being taught in our Schools and Colleges today, disrespect for their Country, the FLAG,the Laws and the Constitution that has made this country great and free???, Freedom only works if you take care of it, not disrespect it!!!! Is this why our Schools and Colleges are fulling apart, and can no longer compete with the world, because of brainwashing, and greed????. Look around, greed is tearing this country apart, and it starts at the top.

Now we have people trying to take over the Government, if you don’t believe it, look around you, you have politicians saying that they have the American people’s interest and safety, well if that was the case then why are they letting people in without checking their back grounds, and if some thing happens, will they be responsibility for their actions, or will they blame the people for letting it happen, but they are the ones who said they wanted them in without checking them out, like they did in 1892 to 1954 at Ellis Island.

Every year we have a Government and Court System that is slowly cutting away at our FREEDOM by Attacking the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES, are we going to stand by and let this happen, or are we going to stand up and fight for our freedom, or are we going to be cowards and run and hide our heads in our comfy homes.

Well for get it, if they continue to destroy our laws and Constitution, your freedom will be lost and you will never see it again in your life time, or your kids, you will not be safe, you will always be looking behind you to see if they were watching you, is that how you want to live, and leave that legacy for your kids.

Do you want to live under the rule the way the people lived under a dictator like Hitler, and Castro, and these countries that are controlled by people who think that Women and young girls are open to do with what ever they want, is that how you want to leave your kids future, laws mean nothing.

How much control do you have over your life today than what you had many years back, every year Government and courts have slowly been telling you what to do, in other words, letting the rich charge what ever they want, why because people today are so worried about them selves and what others will thing of them, in the mean time your Government Agency’s will continue to take away your FREEDOMS.

Today this country has become a nation of cowards refusing to protect its SAFETY, FREEDOM and CONSTITUTION, they would rather sit back and let this country fall to the hands of a DICTATOR who does not care what happens to you (we already see that now), they only want people who will kiss their A– and who will turn in any one who disrespect’s THEIR LAWS, so stand up AMERICA or sit down and kiss your A– good-by, and let it happen, it is up to you or not, it is your decision what you want, Freedom or a Dictator Government and Court system.









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How About Ellis Island, Is That Not True!!!

Bob L.
Feb. 12th 2017

All these people are whining and Crying about Washington to do their JOB, but, can you do your job that you work at IF, every time you turned around and found all these Government agencies on your back every move you made on that job, could YOU honestly get your job done under that pressure?

How come you are not protesting their automatic 5% to 9% pay raise when you are limited to 3%? Why are you not protesting that, are they are too good to give up their Medical Insurance to take Obamacare to what they say you have to take like it or not?

Why are you not protesting all the Tax Payer money they waste on special outings, and why do they have to go to other locations to have private meetings instead of having them at their place of business at where they were elected to do their job?

And now, how can our Elected President do a good job with all these people who probably don’t have a job and can be a professional paid Protester, and all these Democratic Government agencies who are mad that their person did not get elected, and stopping Trump from doing his JOB to get this country and it’s people (American Citizens) not transplants from other countries, back to work?

I would have to say that people from other countries coming here, have more RIGHTS than American Citizens when it comes to JOBS and Enforcing Laws, and what I can see is that our Elected Officials don’t care one bit, the ones who put them there, don’t care about the Blue Collar Worker in this country.

And all these Democrats talk about safety to the people in this country they call the United States are doing every thing they can to make this country unsafe, check back when the Emigrants first got here they had to go through screening at Ellis Island,     [Ellis Island opened in 1892 as a federal immigration station, a purpose it served for more than 60 years (it closed in 1954). Millions of newly arrived immigrants passed through the station during that time.]

The first immigrants to arrive at Ellis Island were three unaccompanied minors. Immigrants were subject to physical and mental exams to ensure they were fit for admittance to the United States.

To read the whole story go to /   http://www.history.com/news/9-things-you-may-not-know-about-ellis-island

And they are trying to stop Trump from doing the same thing that they did from 1892 to 1954, to protect this country and it’s people.

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Who Is Going To Be Held Responsible

Bob L.
Feb. 3rd 2017

These Governors and Mayors who make these places sanctuary places for Illegal’s and Immigrants to live, who is going to be held responsible for any one who is Injured or Killed by these people they are protecting, do we SUE them because they are more important than the american people.

Who is going to give them money, give them medical, give them a place to live, that is fine, but there is a big problem, we have American Citizens in this country who have no place to live but on the street, have a job, don’t have good medical, but you can bring these people in and give them what you are not giving Americans, so who is more important here, Americans, or Immigrants and Illegal’s, it seem that our Governments don’t give a shit about what is happening in this country, or it’s Legal Citizens, only what makes them look good around the world.

This country does nothing to help the Homeless but make laws to keep running them off to another place to another city or county lot, or try to find a place to hide out of sight so they can sleep, and it seem that every month that the homeless camps get bigger with more homeless.

If rents keep going up for the people who have good paying jobs above $80.000.00 a year you will have more people living on the street, but yet it is more important to bring people in from other country when we can not take care of our own and kids, yes how about our kids, you say that you don’t want to leave you kids with a mess to clean up, but that is just what you are doing, leaving them a mess to clean up.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Governor, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Profiling, Republicans, SAFETY, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Warming

Bob L.
Feb. 3rd 2017

I Don't See One Air Plain In This Picture

I Don’t See One Air Plain In This Picture

Global Warming, where do you start, lets start with the Government, and people who want to profit off the backs of the people, like Stocks, Utilities, Gas, Natural Gas, Water, yes Governments profit because they own all the water rights, even the rain, Utilities regulate how you are going to light your home or business, and how much water you can use.

Now why are they not talking about air craft, every year more air craft is put in the air, now I would say that contributes to a third of global warming, but it seems that profiteers over look that part of warming, there again stocks and profit.

If global warming is so important than why are they allowing bigger and more air craft in the air, how about rail and use Electricity to power them, oh wait that would mean they would have to provide more power than wind mills could provide, same for commuter travel, stop building larger and bigger highway and spend that money in mass transit.

Today they are making people pay for large transit systems, in some cases like Tacoma, Seattle, and how many more paying for Two and Three Transit Companies all doing the same thing, why do we need that many when one would do, we all should be paying for just ONE, not

two-three or even four.

Look back years and look at all the tracks that were torn up in cities that said they did not need them, well they have pulled them plus abandoned rail systems up, why, they all could have been used for commuter systems, look at Tacoma, Seattle, rails that were used back in the day are now being put back in when they could have been still been used, don’t they all run by Electricity, not diesel.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Pollution & Global Warming, Republicans, Stock Market, Taxes, Unions, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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