

Election Time

Bob L.
July 13th 2018

Washington State Voters, It is time to tell Olympia, NO MORE BLANK CHECK for SEATTLE, if Seattle want better streets, pay for them their self, if they want a fancy transit system, tax Seattle riders not the state of Washington. is sound transit still giving free rides, if so WHY? You can not ride another transit for free.

If our Elected can not do the right thing, then VOTE or RECALL them out of office, then maybe they will listen to the Majority, not the Minority.

How about putting sound transit back on the ballot and see the people other than Seattle will pass it, it will never happen because they know that it will not pass.

The same thing tell these elected people to stop passing things and telling you the American voter to go to hell, their famous words, you don’t know what is good for you, well THEY DON’T ETHER.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Home Less, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Bob L.
June 20th 2018

Government always brings up Entitlements, but have they ever thought about their PAY, that is an Entitlement that they keep giving them selves every year, how about cutting back on their Entitlement of pay, they don’t need that much when if you have not noticed most of them are MILLIONAIRES, like the one he needs more pay so he can afford a better place to live.

Now you have Entitlements that are paid to non citizens like Medical, Social Security, Food Allotments, then you have Non Profits out there hauling in money that don’t even pay taxes, and still pay them selves bib wages, so if you really break it down there is a lot of Entitlements other than Medicare, and Social Security, lets start there first.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Amassing How Fast People For Get

Bob L.
June 20th 2018

It amassing how fast people for get about the past when a Republican gets in to office, I remember when Clinton was in office and Obama, they both did the same thing that Trump is doing today, but I guess that is DIFFERENT because it was a Democrat who did it.

You talk about HYPOCRITES, now they want you to believe that is child abuse, well how about when you put some one in jail and they have kids, would you not call that also child abuse taking their mom or dad away from their children.

The people in this country have gotten so lazy and greedy they don’t care what happen to it, just as long as you take away their rights, taking them away from every one else is just fine with them.

What are you going to do when this countries laws don’t mean a thing, take away Guns, Laws, the Constitution, then what do think will happen, it will be free rain and you will be at the mercy of criminals protected by Government, it is all ready happening and the people don’t care.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Freedom, For Who?

Bob L

You can not solve problems on your own, it takes all American Citizens to join together, like they say, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL, and today, this Country is not going to survive at the rate we are going, because you all want to do your own thing, it will never work, if it did, why is the world at war with each other, because they call it GREED.

They say they are burning the FLAG, turning their back on the National Anthem, Protesting, Destroying Businesses, in the name of freedom of speech, when was it a freedom to destroy, kill, or be given the right to discriminate against others, yes DISCRIMINATE  against others, why?

It seem that our government has given special rights for Minority Groups to discriminate against others who don’t believe the way they do, you know who they are, they have no respect for this country and it’s laws, they say they are doing for what is wrong and the treatment of them.

The laws today protect the guilty of many crimes, and Prosecute the Innocent for standing up for their rights, so who has the freedom in this country today, it is not the Legal Law Abiding Citizens of this country.

People go out and Cover their faces and Terrorize Communities for what, they call it freedom of speech, but it nothing but Terror Attacks on the real freedom of this country to destroy the Real Freedom of the United States Constitution as written, they want it Destroyed to do what ever they want With-Out Persecution.

Why is it that people come here for asylum because of war, then want the U.S. to fight their war, but say death to America, and NEVER become an American Citizen, they collect Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and given other perks.  WHY???

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

First Amendment, What Is It Really

Bob L.
May 28th 2018

Today it seem that you can Say, or do Any Thing You Want because it is your right, does that mean if you don’t like some one you have the right to destroy a business or home of some one you don’t like, or maybe kill some one because you did not like them, and then call it your first Amendment Right.

Our Government need to get their head out of their — and get back to protecting all United States Citizens, not just special interest groups, it says that All People are Created Equal, not today, as it stands today, some have more rights than others, and our Government has been separating the Legal American Citizens.

Our Four Fathers from around the world came here and passed laws to make this a free Country free of unjust laws, and Taxes, but today this country is becoming more like other Countries, make up laws as you go.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lack Of Traffic Enforcement

Bob L
05 05 2018

Has any one noticed that the laws in this country are being rewritten to benefit some people who don’t care about the law, and why should they, our government seems to think that they are not as important as protecting office workers from losing their jobs.

Take law enforcement, they are supposed to protect and serve, well their hands are tied, the courts read the laws however they want, it depends on who is breaking it.

Government Controls traffic laws, they go out and drop or raise the speed on roads because of development in the area, but yet they leave a one mile stretch at a high-speed, when that  mile has just as many Businesses.

People today don’t care, they can put up a speed sign that measures four-foot by six-foot, and people still say they did not see it, and not traffic control any more, it is do what ever you want.




Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Does Head Count Tax Go For All In Seattle???

Bob L.
April 19th 2018

Lets see, they say large employers pay a HEAD COUNT TAX, does that go for even the city that employs a LARGE NUMBER on their pay roll, (whats good for one, is good for all, you can not keep passing laws to protect your selves, they say that NO ONE is above the LAW), or is it just for the Private Sector.

When and if that head tax does go through, it will be profit for them in the end, like a tax break just like they get in federal tax loop holes where they get most of their money back, you know there are tax loop holes for large companies, not MOM and POP businesses.

Every year you hear about a Government or so Politician caught not paying their taxes, but when they do pay them there are no penalties, why is that, well it could be the laws that they pass are not for them.

You see Government does not care one little bit what happens to the Legal Citizens, if they did, they would not be selling our jobs to non citizens year after year.

Seattle businesses send message to city council on taxes


Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Money, People, Politics, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

This Is Why Traffic Is Getting Worse, GREED

Bob L
March 27th 2018

This what the answer is to save the planet, bring more people in from states that have destroyed the planet in that area, now they are doing it here, (Don’t like growth in Tacoma? You should probably move, because it’s not going to stop) this is Tacoma’s  answer to global warming, and you can see that is, this is  what the government wants, they just want more tax revenue, they don’t want to solve Global Warming, they along with the State, own your water rights, even from a rain storm.

You are never going to fix the problem with Traffic, Global Warming as long as you keep eliminating vegetation that cleans the air from Carbon Dioxide, Trees, Grasses, and Farm Land is what gives us the Oxygen we need to, Ah hell all you people with your colleges degrees are so smart that you think that is not true, destruction of all this land and people is the answer to a better world, that falls under the term GREED.

Once you have destroyed the land with Homes, and Warehouses, that land will never be usable, it will for ever be contaminated with Oil, Lawn Fertilizer, and what is ever used there on that land, and the more you put down Concrete, Asphalt, the water from rain will not go back in to the ground to replenish the water under ground, it will run in to our Rivers and Bays to pollute , and there for is your water shortage.

So keep doing what you are doing, and you won’t have to worry about Global Warming destroying life on the Planet, you will starvation that will destroy this Planet, and the people who control the food will control the world.

Categories: America, C D C Health, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Stock Market, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Stupidity And Greed Go Hand In Hand

Bob L
FEB. 26th 2018

Lets start out with Greed, more money comes with Higher Taxes, more Expensive homes, Food, Gas, Utilities, Cars, lets put it this way, the more you want the more it is going to cost.

Now Lets talk about Stupidity, so many people are so worried about Global warming, global warming will destroy the world, maybe, but what good is saving the world, IF, you have no food to eat, oh yah we will have synthetic foods to eat (Chemistry Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.) that is what you will be eating to survive a world you saved through global warming.

See today they are paving over good farm land that produces Food we eat every day, Dairy Products, Meat, Milk, Cheese, like things that give us the vitamins to stay healthy, the stuff in the stores are supplements, they don’t need a prescriptions to get.

The Moral Of The Story Is Want It Now, Pay For It Later in total Destruction of the planet. No land, no food, from land that is being contaminated by over development of farm land, look at all the farm land that is now Homes, warehouses that were once food producers, and what is the Government doing about it, nothing, because they are protecting the rich.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Pollution & Global Warming, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entitlement, What Is It?

Bob L.
July 26th 2017

Entitlement, the way they talk, there is only one group of people who are getting it, now lets take a look at who is actually gets it, well you have People Coming To This Country getting it and has never worked here, People with good financial worth, and some have never paid into it, All Government Employees, they don’t provide a product to sell to guarantee their big pay checks, you can go on and on, but, there is more.

Lets look at Government, Automatic Pay Raises, like one of them said, they need a $1,500.00 a month pay raise to afford a better place to live while in DC (he is making about $200.000.00 Dollars), well there are people who would just like to have a study roof over their heads, that don’t have a place to call home, their home is a Blanket, Sleeping Bag, an Over Pass, and even a cardboard box, some of these people want to live like that, but not all, like families who lost their job and their home.

Then you have Tax Exempt which they call Corporate Welfare who get money called grants, and some they don’t have to pay back, and then you have large companies who don’t provide medical for their employees, they send them to the government for it called Medicaid, and talking about that, there are people who refuse to take a job to help pay for it, and here again people come here just to get it.

The group of people who I mention at the beginning Seniors, Disabled, and Kids with Cancer, Aids, and other medical problems, I don’t want to get in to them all but they need these services, and what it is, it is Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, they call this Entitlement.

I see Entitlement as any one who is worth more than $45,000.00 before taxes a year taking that check, or gets money every year to operate a company for any reason, is ENTITLEMENT, but no they go after people who really depend on it to have a place to call home, like my wife and my self, every month we pay for our medical, and they call that an entitlement, if that is entitlement, then what do they call their Medical Plan, and even their Pay Checks, it is all Entitlement.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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