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Who Are The Racist Ones In This Country

Bob L.
June 15th 2016

d4e018e1b5a560766c902e1a94315fb4Look who is calling who a racist, I am getting tired of all these people going out and getting Special Treatment to protect themselves from harassment from others and calling it Bigotry, Racism, or what ever word they want to call it, but YOU are the ones who are the Bigot and racist.

These people are the ones who are Discriminating against others, how many from Mexico, or any where in the world and became American Citizens, just to lose their rights to that freedom for why they came here, just kiss some one else s ass and give up their freedom for them.

How many jobs have been lost because of them coming here, or being brought here to take these jobs for lower wages for these companies to charge higher prices to the consumer for their stock holders and their wages, and who backing these Special Groups who have been given the rights to discriminate against you.

I my self am getting tired of all these people and organizations telling me what to say, how to live, where to live, what jobs I can have, what Religion I must be, all because I am a LegalĀ  American Citizen who has to live by their rules, not by the laws of the United States Constitution.

This is supposed to be the land of opportunity and freedom, not the land of Dictator ship, if you want to live with out Racist, or bigot remarks, keep your mouths shut and live like the rest of us (under Government rules and regulations), then you won’t have to worry about what other have to say, BUT NO, you can not keep your mouths shut, you have to change every thing and every one to your way of thinking, SO WHO really who are the Bigots, and Racist.

I don’t care if you want to rune your life, but don’t tell me I have to live by your rules and laws, you can stick them up your ever-loving A–.

This is America, the Land Of Opportunity and the free, so if you are worried about Bigotry, and Racism, START by looking at all your Government Agencies, and Special Interest Groups, before you call Eighty percent (80%) of Americans Bigots, and Racist, and what ever word you want to use.

I am White, and I was born here and have had to liveĀ  with being a slave to Government Rules, Regulations and company rules, and will till the day I DIE, so don’t talk about past slavery, it still is going on today, every thing you do, every thing you say, it is that plain and simple, you will never get away from it till the day YOU DIE, and they will still get you even when you are died.

Categories: America, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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