

Electric Cars, Look Out For What You Ask For

Bob L.
May 11th 2018

They say that people are looking more to buying ELECTRIC cars, but has any one looked at what your cost will be in the end, what if your car dies away from a charging hub? and how about the safety of others, like if it catches fire, that is a lot of voltage if there is water involved, that would be like grabbing an electrical wire, so where is the safety?

Well how about replacing BAD BATTERIES? What will it cost to install a CHARGING STATION? and do you think that the cost of Electricity will remain cheep, NO ,it will be just like any thing else, like Gas, Diesel, and Propane, They went UP, and then, what is the state going to charge for the LOSS OF THE GAS TAX  and Vehicle License.

Now for the big Question, what is it going to cost to park, you know that not all utilities will charge the same, and that same thing, what is the State, Counties, and Cities going to charge for the use being they will also loss that gas tax, look at what Seattle is now charging to get more money to waste.

Just because they eliminated liquid fuels you really think that it will be cheaper to operate, if you do than you did not learn any thing in school and college, oh that is right you are only interested in Girls, or Boys, Booze Party’s, and Protesting, you never really went to get an Education.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Is Wrong Today

Bob L.
MARCH 24th 2018

Well today we blame every one but our selves, people today are so BRAIN WASHED, they believe what some one else said, we are so stupid, our college degrees don’t mean a thing if you can not do your own thinking, but no, you judge every thing by what some one else said.

This country has become no better than Russia, North Korea, and  Muslim Terrorist, we are ready at the drop of a penny to kill some one over bullying or by greed, and you can not forget about road rage.

We have had some Presidents who thought of nothing short of starting a war or passing laws that make others open for elimination by backing groups who will go out and destroy a whole city, because a government agency won’t do any thing about it, because it infringes on their freedom of speech, killing any one is not a freedom.

Talking about not doing any thing, look at the laws today, killing, have gun control, where is trying to find out what is behind it, schools are doing nothing about bullying, why because the parents don’t do any thing about their kids until they get in trouble, then they are yelling, stop picking on my kid, he did nothing wrong because they don’t know what their kids are doing, they don’t Listen to their kids.

Now you have the government, they keep non Essentials working, but get rid of the most Essentials people, POLICE AND FIRE, then sit back and wonder why the Increase in Murders, Accidents, and many other things, there is no one out there to enforce the laws, and when they do, they are told to step back, just look at all the red light runners, and people who don’t believe in speed limits, why waste all that money to put up signs, they are useless, people today only read what they want to read and hear what they want.

The SIGN I really like is the one that they wasted money on, IS, speed limit Strictly Enforced, then seeing Government like City, County, and State, and Buses, ignoring the speed limit, and some are tailgating.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Millennials, Obama, People, Politics, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

America Is Not It’s Own Country Any More

Bob L.
Jan. 15 2018

America Is Not It’s Own Country Any More, it is a country of greed, it has been sold out to Foreign Government Control, this means that as an American Citizen, you have no more control of your vote, the laws, and the U.S. Constitution, has been turned against the American Citizen, it is being rewritten for non Citizens.

The America Citizen to-day has turned their backs on what this Country was, the People have become so GREEDY, they would sell their Family for money to the highest bidder, they refuse to stand up and protect this country, they let our Government sell what is left of our freedoms, just to get what they want.

America complains about Education, and runs right out and spends Millions of Dollars on sports, while this country falls farther back in education, why,so they think that wages will teach better education, a good example is, they go on strike, get the money they ask for, and the kids come home with more home work than in the past, , so who is teaching our kids, COMPUTERS AT HOME, not the teachers at school, so more pay does not produce a better product, that goes for Education, Manufacturing, and even at home.

This country has become so lazy and greedy, all you see today is GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME, I will do any thing to get what I want, and the hell with this country, look at it this way, ONCE YOU LOSE IT, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT BACK, then who will you blame, look in the mirror that is who you blame, and if you don’t see it today, then you are one of those greedy don’t give a shit, who call themselves greedy Americans.

True Americans Stand Up for America, not Rip it apart for their GAIN.

Keep telling your self this is a Free Rich country, better think again!!!


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Holidays Are Not Holidays Any More

Bob L.
Dec. 23rd 2017

Holidays were when people got together hand in hand to enjoy what we have, but today it has become nothing but party, party, the hell with what the holidays mean, Merry Christmas, better to give then receive, today it is give me give me, and that give me is all the booze and dope and get high you can get your hands on, Memorial day, again booze and pot, not honoring the people who fought and died to give you this freedom, today is, go to hell to any one who protects your freedom, that includes the Police who risk their lives every day to protect your freedom.

It goes on every day if I don’t get my way, I will take you to court, because my rights are more important than yours, what do you think this country would be today, if we were still under the rule of the Dictators of the past, you would have nothing but war, look around the world and what do you see, WAR.

Take a look at all these holidays, every time there is a holiday, yes holiday passed by government, they are the biggest and laziest, because they have more time off than any one else and call it a holiday, and get bigger pay raises then any other people then the Rich, while all Americans, the middle class and the poor have to pay them, better known as slaves for their greed.


This country need to get back on healing and telling all these people who are trying to change this country, and tell them, if you don’t like this country, LEAVE, we don’t like your style of living or religion.

You can call this what ever you want, but all the problems today are created by people who want special privileges to change the system from freedom for all.



Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Greed, Independence, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

GREED Is More Than For Money

Bob L.
June 24th 2017

Don’t let this happen! If you don’t care about your Country, think about your children’s future

GREED, greed is for Money, Prestige, King Of The Hill, or Group, today it is for king of the hill, or which group has more power over others, like the Muslims and their Religion and hell with our laws, Black Lives Matter and no one else, Gay Rights, Atheists who don’t believe in any thing, and Environmentalists who believe that they are right and better, but they all think that their rights are more important than any one else.

When people think that GREED is more important than being UNITED as a Nation, this country is in for a big fall, and when it happens you are not going to like it, and it will be too late to do any thing about it, and we are just about to that point of no return, I would say Fifteen years or MAYBE sooner, it is up to the Citizens to put a stop to it, because it will not happen on its own. [I am the law now, And I will interpret your Constitution as I please, WHO WILL IT BE??????]

I believe people were coming together better as years passed, but it took just Eight Years to return this Country into the Fifties, fighting each other, and bringing in more Immigrants, now who is providing them with Money, Places to Live, Medical, and jobs that are not available for U S Citizens, and WHERE IS ALL THIS MONEY coming from to support them, and U S Citizens, The Next Country that will be Running this Country.   



Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Greed, Health, Home Less, Independent, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Republicans, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I Don’t Know About You, But

Bob L.
June 21st 2017

I don’t know about you, I am not a Republican, Democrat, an

Democrats & Republicans they won’t work with me, stop WHINING & do your JOB!!!

Independent, I am a United States Citizen and getting tired of our Government wasting money on all these meaningless hearings that are going no where, and doing nothing about it but wasting money, and not doing what they were elected to do.

I am getting tired of our Government agencies whining and crying about they can not get any thing done, but yet they will not work with each other, all they seem to do is, we are not make enough money and we need a pay raise, I think we all need a pay raise and get paid like they do, and whine that they have to work to hard, I wish we all could get payed and have all the perks that they have.

I am getting tired of all these people coming into this country and telling us  our Laws, our Religion, and our U S Constitution has to go, they come here as a guest of the people, and some never become Citizens, but then some of them turn around and stab us in the back, while making it bad for the ones who want to live in this country under all our Laws, Religion, Constitution, and Holidays, and some will become U S Citizens.

They say that if you don’t like what they are doing than vote them out, lets get rid them and pass term limits of two terms and no more, and once they are out, they can no longer work for any other Government Agency, or Government Contractor, or have any dealing with Government any way shape or form, when you are out YOU ARE OUT.

I am getting tired of the news media constantly push unrest, if some one gets shot, they push that 24 – 7, turn on the news, still reporting it a week later, the more they push it the more hot things get.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Independent, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Immigrant To This Country

Bob L.
April 11th 2017

Is this what this Country is becoming

Why did Immigrants come to this country, to get away from what is happening today, a Government that has gone spend happy, greedy, and out of control, why is that, look around you, politicians only care about the people who will go along with them on spending, the ones who gotta have every thing, cost is no problem, just do it, but there are people who are trying to keep a roof over their and their kids heads, these people are who they now call homeless, you have the poor and the seniors who are hit the hardest.

What are these politicians doing about it, keep them moving, we don’t want them in our back yard, but now, WHY are these people in this way, we have to blame the Government, and Unions, nun of them are trying to fix the problem, the problem starts with Corporations and their executives, wanting to control what the people on what they make, the unions that are now a business in them selves and want more money, and the Government politicians, greed, for the money from these people, why are they not trying to get jobs back for them, Oh that’s right, these people did not go to college, that’s the new thing today, no College Education No Work.

So the moral of the story, if you are not a voter, they don’t want to hear what you have to say, even that you are the ones who are paying taxes, and all their wages, that is all they want from you, so keep your mouth shut, because you are actually the Smartest one of the bunch, you don’t have to have money, a College Education, because you can see what goes on every day, where their Education and money blinds them from the truth to what is happening, GREED, and a way to scam the people behind closed doors.

These Politicians stand up there and tell you that they have a College Education and are better than you, from what I can see is, where is it, I don’t see it, I think dumb is a better Statement for their Education.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who Is Racist In This Country, Who Is Not

Bob L.
April 10th 2017

To start out there are a lot of good people who love this county and will do any thing to protect it, so why are they so many who don’t care and will not stand up for it, and cause a lot of problems, you will never find a country as good as this one as it used to be, greed got started, and is now bring it down, and we know who the greedy are, Companies, and Government, the old saying green $$$$$ talks when it come to how you live.

Here is a question I bet no one can answer, who is not racist in this country, do you give up yet, look around you who is not helping stop discrimination in this country, these people who are screaming the loudest about it.

Black Lives Matter, where are they when a disaster happens in this country, when it involves the lives of black people as a matter of fact all people.

How about the Muslims, they come to this country to get away from the problems in their country, then they have the nerve to tell us that we have to live by their standards, and that Americans are so inconsiderate of them, why are they not helping uncover or turn in the problem, the ones who are causing  the problems that are bring them down.

Now you have the Atheist who is trying to take over all people’s religion in this country, and say people discriminate against them, I wonder why.

And now you have the Gay community saying that people are against them, and discriminating against their life style.

You can go on and on, but, When it all comes down to it all, they all think that they are better than any one else, and need special privileges, and you are to kiss their *#&, so start living your own lives, and stop pushing your life down on every one else, every one has enough problems with their own lives, they don’t need yours to.

When you break it all down, they are causing their own problem, if they lived their own life and stop pushing it on every one else, you know I don’t think you would have this problem here or around the world, and they would not have to have some one pass a law to protect them from discrimination or harassment, in other words, do on to others as you would have them do on to you, if you discriminate on them, than they can discriminate on you.

If you would like the answer to the question, than look at your self, all these kids ARE NOT born racist, people teach them to be racist, that includes mothers, fathers, schools,  society and other kids, oh and yes, we can not forget about the Government, know matter who you are they are taught, they are not born Racist.

Until people take it seriously, and really want to stop it, it will never stop as long as you have people who keep pushing racism.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Local Governments, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who Is Running This Country

Bob L.
March 28th 2017

Bald Eagle is not safe any more, let alone the flag.

Who is running this Country, Special Interest Groups, LBGT, Black lives Matter, Lawyers, Judges, Muslims, Atheists, boy it sure is not for the American Citizens and their safety, every one of these groups are trying to tell you what to do, and the Judges Lawyers and Government are protecting them, remember, what do they keep saying all are created equal, not any more, if you are not in one of these groups, you don’t have a legal leg to stand on, so bend over.

It is bad when Lawyers and a Judges who are supposed enforce the laws are now breaking the laws and changing the Constitution to suit themselves, and all these groups, I bet if the Legal American citizen were to go out and do what these Judges and lawyers are doing, they would find themselves in jail be-four you could say I am doing just what you are doing, writing the law to benefit my self, so what is the difference.

The Law Is The Law, and if they will not be enforced, than they should be held liable for obstruction of the law just like every one else would be, and charged as Accessary to the crime committed, they keep saying NO ONE is above the law, and can not take the law in their own hands, well that is not what it looks like now, looks like any one can write the laws today, so why do we need Lawyers and Judges, they only protect the guilty, not the law-abiding citizens.

If they don’t start enforcing the laws , than the people had better stock up on Guns and Ammunition, and get what ever you can to protect your self, the war is about to start in this country, lets say it has already started by trying to take away your rights to protect your self.

And then you have an ex President who thinks he is still President trying to stop Government from doing their job with the help of the Democrats, who don’t care about the Legal American Citizens Health and Safety, they are only trying to find a way to take over the Government as fast as they can, (they call that a Dictator) and by doing this they are opening this country to World War 3 on American soil, from what I can see is, they don’t care what happens here, just as long as they get what they want.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Governor, Local Governments, Money, Obama, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Profiling, Religion, Republicans, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Brain Died Politicians Who Only Think Of Them Selves

Bob L.
March 20th 2017

I keep reading and hearing about how to deal with home less people, are these politicians so over Educated and brain died and stupid, or is it that they don’t care about the people who put them into office.

One good way to get homeless people off the street is to bring back jobs that they are or have been trained for, but no they are only looking to put people to work that have a College education, did any one tell them that not all people can afford to or want to college, and these people would like to have jobs that they had before the Government Bureaucrats took them away and sent them over seas.

Now is that so hard to do, by getting these jobs back to the people, What It Should Say, the Legal U.S. American Citizens, but no, they promise these jobs to Refugees that are brought into this country against the U.S. Constitution, and Laws. 

State, Tacoma officials consider how to solve homeless camp under I-705 (now just think how they are going to do that, chase them out to another spot, instead of bringing jobs back)

These politicians are so out of touch of the people, they think that we don’t exist, so they go on doing what ever they want to do, no matter who they hurt, Why don’t we the people take away their Jobs and Incomes and see how they like it.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Governor, Greed, Health, Home Less, Jobs, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Profiling, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Washington State, White House | Leave a comment

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