Monthly Archives: May 2017


Global Warming & The People

Bob L.
May 28th 2017

It is not global warming that is distorting this Country, it is the PEOPLE and COMPANIES, they have become so greedy, and lazy, the people today would never survive the work that our ancestors did when the came to this country, they complained but if you wanted a job you had to except what was there, they were not given hand outs like today, they had to work until the Stock Market crashed because of there is that word again, GREED, just like the housing bust.

People and Companies have become so greedy they have put upĀ barriers that today keep people from working, every one want a big pay check, some to the point as to putting in machines to replace the people, others put stipulations in that keep people from getting a job that is open, and then say no one want to work, just so they can bring in more people from another county.

You might think that is not true, but how many people have lost their job to some one they had to train from another country to do that job at a lower rate of pay, GREED on the companies part, how many people have tried to get a job but were turned down for the reason of Bad Credit, Filed for Bankruptcy, to Old or Young, no Experience or to much Experience.

It is not in most cases that people don’t want to work, it is because these companies are to picky so they can make a bigger profit, just look at all these stores today that are going out of business, why, GREED, and trying to sell their product at over inflated prices, when they buy them from sweat shops at pennies on the dollar.

This country did not start out with all these fancy Machines, or Computers, they had Pick and Shovels, Wheelbarrows, Pad and Pencils to do Math in their head, they did this work for FIFTY CENTS a day for ten to twelve hours a day, five, six or seven days a week, can the people today say that, NO, because the don’t care what happens to this country, only what they can put in their pocket for nothing.

And if you get to the heart of it all, you will find that it all starts with Government and their greed, Outrageous Wages and Perks, Taxes and More Taxes, like a carbon Tax that will put more people out of work and living on the streets, Regulations with the Help of the EPA that have been put on these Companies to the point of going out or almost going out of Business, SO who is really the cause of Global Warming, GREED.


Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Pollution & Global Warming, Profiling, Republicans, Rich, Stock Market, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Prescription Drug Side Effects

Bob L.
May 27th 2017

Prescription drugs list all their side effects, but I have not heard any one say what the side effects of mixing chemicals in our drinking water with Prescription Drugs people take.

How many people die or get sicker every year because of mixing Drinking Water Chemicals and Prescription Drugs, or become sick just by drinking the water that has these chemicals in it.

I would just like to know if some one would be honest enough to tell the truth about any side effects that there are by mixing the two, they are always saying not to mix Chemicals together because a reaction they produce.

What chemicals are used to disinfect the water supply?
The three chemicals most commonly used as primary disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone. Monochloramine, usually referred to as chloramine, is used as a residual disinfectant for distribution, and Water Fluoridation.
Categories: C D C Health, Democrats, Education, Health, Local Governments, People, Politics, Republicans, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Warming Is A Scam To Make Money

Bob L.
May 26th 2017

Are you an Environmentalist, or just a joke, a true Environmentalist does not load their Bicycles on their Cars and drive to a place to destroy our great wilderness, they don’t drive a Car or Ride a Bus to protest Global Warming, so if you are anĀ  Environmentalist, you don’t drive a Car, ride a Bus, Car Pool, ride a train or any type of transportation other than a BICYCLE year round.

If you don’t ride a bicycle to and from work or any place you go, than you have no right to say you are an Environmentalist and to Protest, Look at a Bus, and often times you will see a Bicycle HANGING on the front of it, Environmentalist, NO, just to lazy to ride it.

If you are an Environmentalist, then why do you have a Car, Motor Cycle, Motor Boat or any thing that uses Gas, Diesel, Propane, lets just say any thing that uses Fossil Fuel, that mean Natural Gas too, how about your Home, or Homes, like Light, Heat, Water, that takes a pump to get to your home.

Even if you drive an Electric Car, that takes Fossil Fuel to produce that Car, even your Computer, Phone, or any thing you produce Nine Times Out Of Ten, that takes Fossil Fuel to make it.

Does any one know what it takes to produce Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, IT Takes Fossil Fuels, it just shows how Stupid People are today, it is just like Day Light Savings, you don’t gain an hour of day light after work you lose an hour, unless you start at Standard time, then you have an extra hour.

So what are you, an Environmentalist, or just a cry baby wanting to make a name for your self by saying that you are an Environmentalist, you can not have it both ways, you are one or the other.

And this is not causing Global Warming,
and keeping it from preserving Earth in a natural state.

If this is not part of Global Warming than what is??? Look around, every where you look, good farm land is being plowed under for Homes, and Electronically Controlled Businesses and Warehouses that use very few people to work, and it also stops farmers from producing food products the world needs.

This land is not providing trees that produce Oxygen and that clear the air, if people are that stupid and can not see it, than they deserve what the get, so keep protesting, but nothing is going to change if this practice is kept up.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Greed, Health, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Pollution & Global Warming, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Smarter Than The Average What ????????

Bob L
May 17th 2017

You know there is an old saying that you need to be Smarter Than The Average person, but that does not stand true today, the average person runs off to get an average education, so they say, but the real truth is that the smarter you get, the dumber you are, does that stand true, yes, these people do not have a clue to what is going on, but when it effects them, they cry like little babies, and then want to know why it is happening, ignorance is the word (not caring), but they did not learn that when they got educated, education today is party’s and sex.

Like the movie says, stupid is as stupid does, if you look at how this country has evolved, people have become true to that state, WHY, look around you, our ancestors fought to make this country a place to live with out run away Taxes, Freedom of Religion, but does that stand true today, NO, people are now letting others come to this country and tell us what Flag to Fly, how we are going to educate our kids in the future, and what Religion we are going to practices, is that what this country is all about, Dictator control.

Here is a good example of what is happening here today, people boycott an individual who uses a sweat shop to make their product, but they runs right out and buys a product from Companies that lays off people here to move to an other country to use the same sweat shops, now is that smart or is that showing just how dumb Educated people are today, they have no respect for what our Ancestors fought for, and if you want to talk about slavery, look at all our Government Agencies, than Businesses, and you will slavery first hand.

This Country is headed right down the crapper because how stupid our education system has become, it no longer teaches the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights, it no longer teaches the different s of right or wrong, they allow students to dictate how they are going to be taught, and the problem today is nothing but teaching how to be greedy and get as much as you can rip off, or kill to get it.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

City Income Taxes, What Next State, Stop Local & State Income Taxes!

Bob L.
May 2nd 2017

Welcome to Washington State

Welcome to the next step in Washington State, City council unanimously passes Seattle income tax resolution, that is a big mistake if the people of Washington State let this happen, as you know this state is money hungry greedy just like California, Georgia, New York, and so on.

I lived in Ohio for sixteen years before moving back to Washington State, and while there, that state had STATE Income and CITY Income Taxes, and all the other taxes, is that what you want here, just think about it before you say YES, city income tax in Ohio went like this, IF YOU LIVED in One City and worked in another you PAID Taxes in BOTH, NOW is that what you want here, that is what is going to happen if Seattle gets their tax, you won’t have to live there, you work there (so pay up), to be taxed right out of your homes and jobs, that is what is happening right here in this state right now, the poor and the unemployed are put out on the streets to live.

We have a Government that loves to spend as if there is no tomorrow, they don’t care who they hurt, all they care is tax until it hurts, and then tax some more, they talk about affordable housing, where, maybe if you are on a list, but that list is full, there is no more money to help pay to add more people on it.

It is time to tell this state it is run by the people’s vote, get that, PEOPLE’S VOTE, not what our Governor and his YES people want, how many tax proposals you the people of Washington State voted on, they seem to think that they are the people down there in Olympia, look what happen in ST3 did your vote count or was it Seattle’s (tax & spend) vote that counted, not yours, TELL these Cities State and Counties that this is yours not theirs to do what ever they want with out the people’s approval.

This is the problem here and all states, they don’t care what the people want, they are going to do what ever they want, look around and you will see that they passed laws so they don’t have to go to the people to get what they want, and when a vote is put before the people it should be 75% percent, not 51% percent to be passed.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Unemployed, Washington State | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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