

Election Time

Bob L.
July 13th 2018

Washington State Voters, It is time to tell Olympia, NO MORE BLANK CHECK for SEATTLE, if Seattle want better streets, pay for them their self, if they want a fancy transit system, tax Seattle riders not the state of Washington. is sound transit still giving free rides, if so WHY? You can not ride another transit for free.

If our Elected can not do the right thing, then VOTE or RECALL them out of office, then maybe they will listen to the Majority, not the Minority.

How about putting sound transit back on the ballot and see the people other than Seattle will pass it, it will never happen because they know that it will not pass.

The same thing tell these elected people to stop passing things and telling you the American voter to go to hell, their famous words, you don’t know what is good for you, well THEY DON’T ETHER.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Home Less, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Don’t Blame The Kids, Then Who Do You Blame

Bob L.
July 11th 2018

Don’t Blame The Kids, then who do we blame, the Schools, Parents, Lawyers, Courts, the schools are more interested in satisfying what the kids want, parents think the schools will teach them right and wrong, lawyers, what can you say, greed and make a name for them selves, and courts not protecting the parents rights and letting the kids do what ever they want without any recourse for their actions.

How many kids come out of school can build a House, know Electrical Wiring, Plumbing, a Machinist, Electronics, Build a Boat from scratch, this is why foreign schools are smarter than American, America only tell our kids that if you want an education, YOU have to go to college, so what does that tell you, that the U.S. does not care what happens here, just as long as they get paid a good wage and send kids home to do school work that should have been done in school, not at home.

Kids spend more time in school, oops at home doing more school work than they do in school, schools turn their backs on protecting our kids then they do educating.

Every time you here about a Violence, what is the out come, bullying, what are the schools and parents doing about that, nothing until some things happens, WHY??? I will leave it up to you to answer that question if you care.

Maybe if parents and educators spent more time educating right and wrong and less time partying, we would not have all this violence in schools, today there is no respect for others, only me my self and I, better known as GREED.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Home Less, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Unemployed, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Amassing How Fast People For Get

Bob L.
June 20th 2018

It amassing how fast people for get about the past when a Republican gets in to office, I remember when Clinton was in office and Obama, they both did the same thing that Trump is doing today, but I guess that is DIFFERENT because it was a Democrat who did it.

You talk about HYPOCRITES, now they want you to believe that is child abuse, well how about when you put some one in jail and they have kids, would you not call that also child abuse taking their mom or dad away from their children.

The people in this country have gotten so lazy and greedy they don’t care what happen to it, just as long as you take away their rights, taking them away from every one else is just fine with them.

What are you going to do when this countries laws don’t mean a thing, take away Guns, Laws, the Constitution, then what do think will happen, it will be free rain and you will be at the mercy of criminals protected by Government, it is all ready happening and the people don’t care.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Freedom, For Who?

Bob L

You can not solve problems on your own, it takes all American Citizens to join together, like they say, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL, and today, this Country is not going to survive at the rate we are going, because you all want to do your own thing, it will never work, if it did, why is the world at war with each other, because they call it GREED.

They say they are burning the FLAG, turning their back on the National Anthem, Protesting, Destroying Businesses, in the name of freedom of speech, when was it a freedom to destroy, kill, or be given the right to discriminate against others, yes DISCRIMINATE  against others, why?

It seem that our government has given special rights for Minority Groups to discriminate against others who don’t believe the way they do, you know who they are, they have no respect for this country and it’s laws, they say they are doing for what is wrong and the treatment of them.

The laws today protect the guilty of many crimes, and Prosecute the Innocent for standing up for their rights, so who has the freedom in this country today, it is not the Legal Law Abiding Citizens of this country.

People go out and Cover their faces and Terrorize Communities for what, they call it freedom of speech, but it nothing but Terror Attacks on the real freedom of this country to destroy the Real Freedom of the United States Constitution as written, they want it Destroyed to do what ever they want With-Out Persecution.

Why is it that people come here for asylum because of war, then want the U.S. to fight their war, but say death to America, and NEVER become an American Citizen, they collect Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and given other perks.  WHY???

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

First Amendment, What Is It Really

Bob L.
May 28th 2018

Today it seem that you can Say, or do Any Thing You Want because it is your right, does that mean if you don’t like some one you have the right to destroy a business or home of some one you don’t like, or maybe kill some one because you did not like them, and then call it your first Amendment Right.

Our Government need to get their head out of their — and get back to protecting all United States Citizens, not just special interest groups, it says that All People are Created Equal, not today, as it stands today, some have more rights than others, and our Government has been separating the Legal American Citizens.

Our Four Fathers from around the world came here and passed laws to make this a free Country free of unjust laws, and Taxes, but today this country is becoming more like other Countries, make up laws as you go.

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Electric Cars, Look Out For What You Ask For

Bob L.
May 11th 2018

They say that people are looking more to buying ELECTRIC cars, but has any one looked at what your cost will be in the end, what if your car dies away from a charging hub? and how about the safety of others, like if it catches fire, that is a lot of voltage if there is water involved, that would be like grabbing an electrical wire, so where is the safety?

Well how about replacing BAD BATTERIES? What will it cost to install a CHARGING STATION? and do you think that the cost of Electricity will remain cheep, NO ,it will be just like any thing else, like Gas, Diesel, and Propane, They went UP, and then, what is the state going to charge for the LOSS OF THE GAS TAX  and Vehicle License.

Now for the big Question, what is it going to cost to park, you know that not all utilities will charge the same, and that same thing, what is the State, Counties, and Cities going to charge for the use being they will also loss that gas tax, look at what Seattle is now charging to get more money to waste.

Just because they eliminated liquid fuels you really think that it will be cheaper to operate, if you do than you did not learn any thing in school and college, oh that is right you are only interested in Girls, or Boys, Booze Party’s, and Protesting, you never really went to get an Education.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Jobs, Millennials, Money, Obama, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Protect Our Country And Our Military

Bob L.

Is this country gotten so stupid, greedy, and Lazy that they can not see the hand writing on the wall of what is happening here, if this is so, then you will get every thing you asked for, a country at war, and then lets see you try to stop it with out a military and guns.

Hippocrates, people come to this country and complain about our laws, complain about our Constitution, and even about our flag, they call us war monger, but when their country is in trouble, who do they call to protect their land that they left, who else, BUT the United States Military.

Hippocrates, people who are legal citizens of the United States who are anti military who will never stand up for this country, they riot they destroy, but yet they run out and buy Military Clothing as if they were in the military, but when this country calls for health and safety of people around the world this country too, what do they do run as fast as they can to another country still wearing military gear, they call that cool.

When are the people in this country going to get off their lazy greedy ass and look at what is happening to this country, they complain about Guns, but not about Knives, Cars, Gangs, they also kill hundreds every year, I see legal American Citizens with guns as people ready to defend if what is happening around the world could start here any time being there is protection of violent people by giving them sanctuary from prosecution of their crimes.

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Freedom, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Health, Local Governments, Millennials, People, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Guns, Knives, Bombs, And Cars

Bob L
April 23rd 2018

People in this country are  really funny, they are so afraid of guns, but yet when it comes to knives, cars, and bombs that kill people, they do nothing about that, they think it will never happen to them.

Bombers are killing people around the world, but people here in this country think it will never happen here in this country, why, because we have people who carry guns to protect then from that happening, but yet they want guns banned, Question, do you want guns banned from all law enforcement, and I mean ALL, so no one can have an armed body-guard for their protection.


How about drugs, and alcohol, with that you add a car and that kill more people every than a gun, and people do nothing about that, but still go out and drink do drugs and drive their cars, and that kills people every day.

Categories: America, Democrats, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Greed, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Republicans, SAFETY, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Kids And Guns How About Cars

Bob L
April 21st 2018

What are these Teachers teaching our kids today, it looks more like violence and protesting, how about teaching a good trade, not testing, NO, kids have to teach them selves at home not in school, more home work, less education in school.

Kids protesting guns and saying get rid of guns, why not Knives or any thing that can be used like a knife, Cars, and Bullying, because they say they know more about GUNS then any one else, and that will stop kids from being killed, now is that going to stop, NO, they will fine another way.

If you want to stop the killing, then we need to ban Drugs, CARS, Motor Cycles, Bicycles, they kill more people every year, and some of them are even kids.

How many kids die every year because of suicide from being bullied in school and on-line, so start with, WHY, yes WHY before you go off half cocked to ban any thing, that will never happen because people today are lazy to do the leg work to fine out why.

People today think that they are experts on every thing, how about Gangs, and WAR, do you think they will stop just because you said STOP, you are a dreamer, if war starts here, do you think that they will leave here because you told them to leave, NO, they will have free run because no one will have a gun to protect you, oh yah all you have to do is call some one who has a gun.

Driver intentionally hit 2 pedestrians, Bothell police say

Categories: America, Democrats, Freedom, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Governor, Local Governments, Millennials, Personal Freedoms, Politics, Republicans, Rich, Washington State, White House, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Case Of Greed Taxes And The Law Or No Law

Bob L.
April 8th 2018

Tacoma’s rents keep going up … and up … and up, they want you to think it is because of the lack of Rental Property, NO, it is nothing but pure GREED and ALL TAXES.

Aging and Disability Resources, does not do what it says what it does, The ADR Advisory Board serves an important role in educating legislators on key issues impacting seniors and adults with disabilities, it is a Joke, our Government agencies don’t care what happens to Seniors or the Disabled, if they did they would not allow them to be put on the streets because of High Rents or TAXES when they can not afford, but they can afford to support non Citizens and Free Loaders.

There are a lot of Senior Apartments that get a tax break to rent to seniors, but only rent to a high Income senior with a good income, not to a senior on a set income, senior on a limited income don’t get discounts on some products like, Food, Doctors, Car Insurance, NO, they throw the book at them, how many accidents do you see every day by a senior, compared to a younger person, you see on average, SIX a day, just between Snohomish, King and Pierce.

Driver dies after hit by speeding car, The Department said a 16-year-old boy was driving in south Pierce County when he passed a car and ran a stop sign.

He then hit the woman’s car, and Officials do not believe the boy was impaired and have released him. Prosecutors will determine whether or not to press charges, is this going to be the law now for any one who kills some one on the road with a car? This is what you call Vehicular Homicide, and you end up in jail.


Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Gen Xs, Gen Zers, Greed, Home Less, Local Governments, Millennials, Money, People, Politics, Republicans, Rich, SAFETY, Taxes, Washington State, Yuppies | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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